Summer 2014 Reading

Friday, June 20, 2014

I told myself that I couldn't pick up turn-my-brain-off-get-lost-in-another-world books until I got through some of the books on my nonfiction book list.  You see, it's harder for me to read nonfiction - it takes more concentration for me, and somedays, at the end of the day, I just don't have energy to really absorb the good thoughts tucked in those books, so they sit on my shelf for days and weeks and months.  

I also told myself it was silly to finally get a library card when we had less than 3 months here.  But then two weekends ago, Eliana and I found ourselves at the Public Library, filling out for a card, and checking out a whole bag of books.  

The books that I checked out, I finished in a week.  I guess I was a little more than ready to turn-my-brain-off and get lost in another world.  I think I forgot how much I love to read.  To have a book in my hand, turning pages, getting to know characters, losing myself in a story.  This past week has been a great reminder to myself of my love for reading, for books, for stories.  And now, I can't wait to get to the library to pick up more.   

I am almost done with A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 (and highly recommend it!).

What have you been reading lately?  Anything recommended that I can add to my list?  

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  1. I recently found that my kids are *gasp* old enough to entertain themselves while we are outside playing, so I've been using that time to sit in the shade and read a book or two while they run around the yard. Its been WONDERFUL -- I forgot how nice it was to get lost in a book. I read My Accidental Jihad, which was a great memoir, and so was Unremarried Widow. Just finished up a good PTSD read about a Marine in Iraq called Soft Spots, so now I'm ready to get lost in a little easy reading!

  2. I loved the light between oceans. Such a good book. I'll have to check out the others!

  3. Oh, I have a couple of those same books on my wish list too :)

    Lately I've been reading free ebooks on my Nook since there is no library and I can't afford to buy any books right now. I am also working through "Give Them Grace" with a couple others moms. We read and then meet once a month to discuss it. It has been a lot to process and think through, so it was good to mix in a few easy fiction books too - just like you said :)

  4. 7 also have a Bible Study to go alongside it. It will ROCK your world in a way we all need from time to time.



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