
Currently, on a Sunday.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

It's Sunday afternoon, and I am currently...

...craving pink peppermint ice cream.  You know - the kind that only comes out around Christmas?  With the pink peppermint chunks?  Seriously, where can I find me some?

...wearing shorts.  Yes, shorts.  I had long jeans on earlier at church, but was getting too warm.  Someone pinch me, because it's December 9, and I am wearing shorts.  Ca-razy!  
...listening to Christmas tunes on Pandora, and the quiet on the monitor as my two older babes nap. 

...wanting to watch more Christmas movies.  I have yet to break out Elf or The Family Stone or Love Actually or White Christmas or The Holiday or A Christmas Story.  Geesh!  Movie night, anyone?!

...smiling at this sweet little face.  She is too precious for words.  And that adorable smile?  Gets me every single time.  Love it.
...drinking a homemade honey-cinnamon latte and munching on cashew pieces.

...making some homemade Christmas presents - all I can reveal is that so far I have pulled out my sewing machine, hot glue gun, fabric and felt! 

...(still!) laughing about this situation.  I was skyping with my mama earlier this week, and looked over to see Ezzy had found the spaghetti.  Not only did he FIND the spaghetti, but apparently he was creating artwork on the floor?  We had some fun picking those up!!

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  1. You are in shorts and it hasn't stopped snowing here since I woke up. I think we might be at like 9 inches right now!

  2. Oh man, Evie looks so much like your other kids! Not surprising though, right? Haha. It's warm here too!



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