
My 30 Day Shred Results

Monday, February 06, 2012

Last month, I elaborated on goal #2 of my 12 in 2012 goals, which is to lose weight.  In that discussion, I mentioned that I took on a 30 Day Shred (30DS) challenge for the month of January.  I finished my 30DS last week, and wanted to keep myself accountable by sharing my results, and a few thoughts.  

I can't believe I am actually posting these lovely pictures!  My faces (and beautiful tie-dyed shirt!) are priceless, bwa ha ha!  I didn't really want to take half-naked pictures and put them online, so I know it's a bit hard to see any difference in the pictures, but there was a definite change in my body.  
In the 31 days that I took to complete the challenge, I lost 11 lbs and around 10 inches in my arms, waist, chest, hips and legs.  Woo-hoo!

I have to admit I am quite proud of myself for making it through the entire 30 days.  I have started the 30DS numerous times, but always seem to get sidetracked or give up after a week or two.  This time, I stuck with it, working out every single day, minus one (I did something to my back and had to take a hiatus for one day).  Most days, I would get up with Max and workout immediately after he left for work, or I would get up about a half hour before the kids on the weekends, just to get my workouts in.  It was definitely a challenge at the beginning, and those first few days, I was SORE!  But the soreness started to fade, although I still pushed myself and could feel it in my muscles!  And after about a week, I looked forward to waking up early and working out - it was a great jump start to my day!  

Going into January, I knew that working out alone would not be enough to help me lose weight, so using MyFitnessPal, I started consistently tracking how much I was eating, and was really watching my calorie intake.  More than that though, I began making healthier eating choices - choosing to forgo a lot of cheese (have I ever mentioned that we really, really like cheese around here?!), eating more whole wheat/healthy carbs, and adding more veggies, fruits and lean proteins into my days.  I also cut out a lot of sugar, processed foods and desserts, yet still allowing myself little treats here and there.  I had to make a few modifications halfway through January to my eating plan, but for the most part, I stuck with it, and I saw changes in my body.  More than the weight loss, I noticed that I had more energy and felt better overall - because I cut out a lot of sugar and processed foods, I noticed that my emotions didn't go up and down as much as they sometimes can, and I dealt with stress better.

My 30DS challenge ended last week, and I have been continuing to workout every day.  I borrowed a couple new exercise videos from the library and have been adding some yoga into my days as well.  I think one of the challenges for me with the 30DS is that I got bored part way through, doing the same routines over and over again.  It's been fun to switch up my workouts lately, and gives me something new to look forward to each morning.

Knowing I was going to be finishing up my 30DS challenge in January, I had to make some new goals for myself, in order to keep myself accountable, so that I wouldn't just stop working out once the challenge was over.  I want to continue working out 5-6 days a week, and making healthy eating choices.  I am still trying to figure out what kind of exercise routine to follow - I find that I do best following an exercise video, rather than making it up on my own.   I would also like to make an effort to go to the fitness center a few times a week, to use their weight machines and elliptical.      

I think I've covered most of the things I wanted to, related to my 30DS challenge.  If you have any questions about the 30DS, feel free to ask away!  Or if you have any good workout video suggestions, please share!

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  1. I can totally tell a difference in the pics!! Way to go Kaylee, 11 pounds is awesome! I think your hair grew a little too ;-)
    I so need to exercise... I have no motivation when it comes to doing it at home though =(

  2. you did very very good! You look amazing before AND after! I know what it means to look different after wanting to loose weight. I am on the same treck now.... Good job!!!

  3. That's awesome! You can definitely see a difference. Good job for you for sticking through! This sounds like something I'd like to do before we start trying again for another baby. Because of my still-elevated hormone levels since losing Andrew, my body keeps gaining weight (despite my eating healthy and working out). Maybe this could be the thing to help me get past that wall. We want to try getting pregnant again really soon, so I need something "quick." Is it just a set of workout dvds or a whole workout/eating plan?

  4. Jillian's Ripped in 30 has four different workouts on it, that you can mix and match to create a longer than 30 days shred time, too. Also her new Shed and Shred is 45 minutes of pure sweat and pain. AND in March, her long awaited kickboxing dvd will finally be out. I have been waiting forever for her to make this dvd since she always mentions her kickboxing background on her other dvds.

    I have also just recently incorporated her Shred-it with weights. She uses kettlebells, I used regular weights and it's enough to only do it once a week while using some of her other dvds throughout the week. I have about 20 different workout dvds, mainly from Biggest Loser, Bob Harper, and Jillian because they get results.
    Oh, and did you notice an increase in water consumption in January? I've recently started kicking my own butt with joining a gym and water intake skyrocketed. holy wow. lol.

    Oh, and 11 pounds ROCKS! You're my hero.
    *end long-winded comment* :D

  5. Wow girl! You look great! I was going to suggest Jillian's DVDs too. keep it up lady, the hard part is over. The more you work out the more you learn to WANT to do it instead of looking at it as a drag. Have fuN!

  6. I can definitely see a difference - you look great! Keep up the hard work!

  7. That's awesome!! You look great! I may be signing up to do this after I have this baby. =)

  8. Congrats! There's definitely a difference!

  9. Wow!!! You look great! And I am so proud of your dedication. In eating and working out. You are amazing!!

  10. Way to go! And I totally see a difference between the photos. :)
    I am planning to make a challenge for myself to get into shape too. After having carried Luka and not being able to move for most of the pregnancy I have lost ALL of my muscles... I really need to do some serious excercising! Did you make up your own 30-day challenge or did you find the idea/guidelines somewhere? I would love some info! Though I would need to focus more on healthy eating which does not make you loose weight...since I am still a bit on the small side after all the throwing up I did during pregnancy haha.
    Another thumbs up for your motivation! You are an inspiration!!

    1. My! The 30 Day Shred is a workout video I bought by Jillian Michael's. She does a 25-minute workout routine, incorporating strength training, cardio moves and some ab work. So I followed that. I made up my own eating plan, and have focused more on just eating healthy, rather than cutting too much out - I want to learn to change my eating habits so that my body can feel great, not just lose weight. If that makes sense! Hope that helps answer your questions!!! I know what it's like to feel like all your muscle is lost after a baby (or two, ha!) - I wasn't in that great of shape to begin with, but I definitely felt super flabby and weak after, so finally getting some strength back is so encouraging!!!!

  11. Great job!! Is this the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred? I have that DVD... I started to do it once but jacked up my back doing squats. I want to get back to it once we get settled.

  12. Way to go!! You look great! I've tried the Shred so many times and never last very long. I've been trying to get and run with a little more success, but the cold makes it tough! I'm so impressed that you stuck with the Shred, it's a tough workout! Keep up the awesome job! :)

  13. Way to go!! That is awesome! You look great!

  14. Just found your blog through searching for 30 Day Shred reviews. Great job!! You can definitely tell a difference in the pictures!! I am just starting week 3 of the couch to 5k plan and can't even tell you how many times I've started the Shred. I think I am going to try it again & see if I can get through 30 days!! Thanks for sharing your progress!!

  15. You look great. I can see the difference - especially in your cheeks. :)



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