
Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bwahaha!  That sad face!  What a drama queen she can be!
We aren't really into mushy-gushy, ooey-gooey Valentine's stuff around here, but a day to display love for one another?  Why not!  I mean, my hope and prayer is that everyday, I work to show my family I love them, and that my actions speak of my feelings and my heart.  But some days, I get tired or life gets busy, and it's not always easy to go above and beyond, you know?  

So today, after watching a Charlie Brown Valentine with the kids, we made Daddy some of his most-requested and favorite chocolate PB surprise cookies, and put out the cards we made earlier this week.  The kids can't wait for him to come home, partly because I told them they had to wait for Daddy to taste the cookies, but mostly because it always seems to be one of the highlights of their day!  Once he's home, we'll get dinner ready, and enjoy time together as a family.  Because for me, that's my favorite thing, being with my family and appreciating the blessings that God has lavished upon us. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

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  1. Cute kids! I'm glad you are taking advantage of VDay to lavish your family w special treats and homemade cards. I think it's a great day to love on your family :)

  2. Happy Valentine's Day Kaylee (and family!) :)

  3. Happy Valentine's! They are just so cute.

  4. They are all getting so big!! So cute! Happy Valentines day!

  5. Oh I just love those pictures! Glad y'all had a good day!



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