
My Girls

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lately, I have been thinking about the photos I take.  And more importantly, the photos I am IN.  A few weeks ago, I realized that I have not been in very many photos since Evelyn was born, and that made me sad.  I want to be present with my kids, and I also want them to look back at pictures and remember that I was present with them.  

I don't want to always be behind the camera, but I want to make more of an effort to be in front of the camera, even when I don't necessarily feel photogenic.  I just want to make memories, you know?  And have photos, no matter how imperfect or silly they might be, to document how we spend our days. 

Today, I am linking up with Emily @ The Anderson Crew, and I am going to be making more of an effort to embrace the camera in the days, years, moments ahead.

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  1. I love that idea, to be present in front of the camera. I read a good post on that a while back - here it is if you want to read it :)


  2. Yes! I love that you are in the photos! I feel the same way about wanting to be in more photos with my kiddo. Even if i don't like how I look, he will never care about that!! You are so pretty, mama, SO PRETTY!! Such adorable pictures! xo

  3. So adorable! The photos are perfect. :)

  4. Awesome photos!! And you are always photogenic, your joy shines through no matter when or how the photo is taken.

  5. I try to get in some photos with Penny. It's important!

  6. I'm the same way. I really need to use my remote!



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