
Memorial Day & Mary Kay

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We had a great day on Monday, enjoying our Memorial Day 2012.  
Daddy swept the porch and set up the pool.
The babes donned their swimsuits and went crazy with all the fun toys/cups/buckets.  
 We spent a good hour playing, and then it was time for a snack break.
Of course there was coffee for Mama and Daddy.
 After making sure their fingers and toes were nice and wrinkly, we all decided it was a good time for a movie.  I guess we wore Ezzy out on the porch, because he fell asleep on his Daddy.
 It was way precious.
We had lunch and got a good nap in, before friends came over for a BBQ that afternoon.
It was a lovely day, filled with much sun, laughter, and food.

Moving on.  Mary Kay.  Remember back this fall, when I announced I was now selling Mary Kay?  Yes?  Good.  Well, after much contemplating and discussion, I have decided to stop selling Mary Kay.  At this point in my life, it is not something that I want to continue doing.  I feel like I have enough to think about with soon-to-be 3 little ones, learning to be a good mama and wife, and keeping up our home, that I don't have the time, energy, or desire to devote to Mary Kay.  

With that said, I have a small inventory of product that I will be selling on sale, in order to try to get rid of it.  If you are interested in finding out more about the sale and what I have, feel free to leave a comment, or email me at maxandkaylee {at} gmail {dot} com, and I would be happy to get back to you!

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  1. What a wonderfull day you seem to have had! Great pictures!

    And good for you, learning to say no to things that are too much! I am at a point now where life is starting to be very much too much and I am starting to practise saying no, and prioritizing the things which are really important. :) Hard, but necessary... Good luck!

  2. pool time is always a great way to wear those babes out. obviously :) Crazy about your decision. I used to sell MK too and then 4 months later decided that it wasn't what I wanted to do at the time. Crazy crazy!

  3. Adorable. I love the tiny farmers tan on Z. Precious.

  4. Looks fun, I love L's swimsuit, too cute!

  5. So sweet!

    P.S. If you have any moisturizer, I may be interested...I have no idea what it normally sells for, though!



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