
Mary Kay, URL changes, and prints.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hey y'all.  Today, I have an announcement, and a few bloggy questions.  

First of all, I am excited to share with you that I am now selling Mary Kay.  My mom has been a Sales Director for years and years, and I am pretty sure I swore I would NEVER sell Mary Kay.  But alas, after thinking much about it, I realized that I have a great insight into what the product is like, as I have used Mary Kay make-up and skin care my entire life.  I have had great success in using the product, and figured that success would be a great base to selling and promoting it.  If you are interested in finding out more, or are interested in purchasing any product, you can contact me (maxandkaylee@gmail.com).  I'll be adding a Mary Kay link, as well as an email link, to the blog, in the next few days.  Also, my plan is to highlight a different Mary Kay item each month, so watch for some special posts coming soon!  

Second, Max and I have been tossing around the idea of putting some of our photography prints online to sell.  What do you think?  I know I usually post pictures of the babes, but we have quite a few scenic/nature/outdoorsy type photos.  I also know I am not a professional photographer - just a girl with a camera, who enjoys capturing little moments and little, lovely details - so I struggle with whether our photos would be valuable to anyone else.  If we decide to put a few photos online, we would offer high-quality prints, with the option of matting them.  They would be sent in protective envelopes, and could come in an array of sizes.  Thoughts and opinions??!

Finally, in light of some of these changes, and the possibility of selling items online, I have been contemplating the blog, and how I can better "streamline" it.  I have been thinking about changing our blog URL to better match our email/blog name/twitter/etc.  Does anyone know what happens to our followers, if I switch the URL?  Any ideas of what I need to be aware of when making that transition?  Don't worry, when I decide to go that route, I'll make sure to allow plenty of time to make the switch :)

Hope your day is lovely, and brings much joy.  We are gearing up for a big grocery trip today, and then some much needed house cleaning must happen.  Max is out of town for a few days, on a work trip, so the house will be a little quieter than usual - means Mama gets more time with the babes (that could either be really, really good...or slightly challenging!) and some time to work on fun projects at night!

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  1. On blogger, you can switch the name without much harm to followers and stuff as long as you remain with blogger. I've done it a few times with mine because it wasn't always "Jen and her Marine".

    Mary Kay products work, and I've been to a few meetings in Yuma where the directors looked MUCH older because of all the make-up they've been wearing for so many years, or was it the Arizona sun? I couldn't tell.

    I love satin hands and my hubby got the gift set of it for my bday :) He's so sweet.

    so yay for starting new adventures. Good Luck girlie, there are TONS of MK people in that particular area.

  2. Good for you for doing some stuff for you!

    I don't know anything about switching URL's - heck, I barely change the stock layout from Blogger. BUT - I do know that when the time rolls around, I'll follow you. Is that fair? :)

  3. whew! You're gettin' ambitious lady! Good for you! I have no idea how to change URL's but I'm pretty sure if you google "How to change a blog url on blogger" you will find what you need- that's how I always figure stuff out for my blog, I just google it.

  4. When I switched my url, Blogger freaked out and wouldn't show my blog for the longest time! But now it seems to be back to normal. It's SUPPOSED to be ok and not change anything. I didn't lose any followers or information, at least.

    I think maybe try selling your prints! There's no harm in it, right?

  5. My mom uses Mary Kay and I've used a few of their products, I like them.

    Selling prints? GO FOR IT! I think that's an awesome idea.

  6. I think that all sounds really exciting! I love your photography.



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