
L's 2-year photos.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Last week, we headed outside to snap a few pictures of L,
 to attempt and capture a few good "2-year old photos".  
Here are a few that turned out pretty good:
Her look of excitement and surprise makes me smile! 
I asked her to sit down, and this is what I got - she squatted on her feet and clasped her hands.  Cute.
I love her blue eyes.
We took these the day that Mama D had to return to Minnesota, so of course, we had to take a few of her and the babes.  Don't they look thrilled to be in the photo?!  

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  1. Gosh I love that girl!! Her excited 'oh' face cracks me up! They are great pictures of your beautiful daughter!

  2. So glad her 'shiner' made her 2 year old pics! Let's not tell anyone that it happened when Bibi was watching them:) !!!

  3. She is beautiful and cuteness all rolled into one! I love that surpise face too. She's like "wow mom look"!



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