
12 in 2012. May Edition.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

{Image by Dani @ Hard Corps Love}

I did not do an April edition of my 12 in 2012.  I ran out/couldn't find/didn't make the time to take the 20 minutes to look at how my goals were going.  Honestly, I think that had a lot to say about what I was working on.  My biggest struggle in the last month or so has been time management and my desire to work on being rather than doing more.  Anyhow, I do enjoy taking the time to look at my goals for the year, and trying to stay aware of the things I want to work on.  The past two months haven't been the best, as far as my goals are concerned, but that just means there is more room for improvement!!

1. Community Living: I haven't done anything new or unusual for this one.  Still mostly just thoughts ruminating around in my brain.

2. Weight Loss: As I said in March, this one is at a standstill, due to Baby #3, although I have still been trying to eat healthy and workout.  I have been working out 4-5 days a week, which has really helped my energy levels - plus, I just feel better about myself!

3. Read 15 books: I am still working on 1000 Gifts - I think it's taking me awhile, because there are so many ideas and thoughts that need to just percolate in my head for awhile, before I am ready to keep reading!  I have also read a few more of the Karen Kingsbury books (Redemption, Remember, Return, Rejoice) and currently have two more from the library!  We are also in the middle of a few baby name books.

4. Manual photography skills: I don't know if I am actually getting any better with my manual photography skills, but I am definitely starting to feel more comfortable with what I am doing - and I am really starting to enjoy it!  I guess that's a good step!  I would like to spend a little more time in the next few months, reading some tutorials to help me along.

5. Outside walks and playtime: We have been doing pretty well.  On days that the weather is nice (not raining...), we tend to get out for a walk to the park in the mornings, and often times, we take another walk after dinner.  I know the kids LOVE to play outside and go to the park - they can't get enough of the slides and swing.  Plus, it just gets us out of the house some days, and gives us all a new perspective at that moment - and sometimes, that is absolutely necessary!

6. Creative and structured toddler activities: Yeah, this one could use some work.  We stick with our usual coloring or play-doh or legos.  I need some new and fresh ideas, for sure!

7. Journal consistently: The first few months of the year, I was on a roll.  But April and May have not seen the journal open much.  I haven't made a consistent effort to pull it out and actually record my thoughts - most likely due to the time struggles and being tired at the end of the day. 

8. Date night 1x/month: We did not get out on our own in April.  I guess that means that May gets two date nights?!?!  I don't have anything planned at the moment, so better look into it!

9.  Grow a garden: My herbs are growing and the flowers that I planted are doing well!  Which is great and makes me smile!  I have talked about not having the best track record with keeping plants/flowers (cactus!!!!) alive, but our front beds look really nice right now!  Stay tuned for pictures soon!

10.  10 minutes a day of "Be still and know" time: As part of my effort and desire to work on being, rather than so much doing, I have really intentionally been making time for sitting and reading God's word, and being still in His presence.  This also gives me a few extra minutes in the day where I can have time to journal thoughts and verses that are hitting home that day.  Making the time for this hasn't necessarily made my days any more polished or put together, but taking the time to sit with God definitely puts my heart in a much better place - and I see a lot of good in this!

11. Craft time: Pretty much nothing has happened on this front, except for my new plans to set up a craft table/area in the guest room.  I think that if I have my sewing machine set up all the time and a place where I can create, that I will be more apt to do so.  I am excited to get my little desk and organize everything.  I have a few projects lined up, that I am very excited to create!

12. Baby #3: See here :)

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