
They made me a Mama.

Monday, May 14, 2012

I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday, because my sweet husband and babies were keeping me plenty busy, and giving me lots of love.  I found fun presents tucked away (with decorated wrapping paper by L) in the cupboards, got a fantastic lunch, and was loved on a lot.  They were so good to me - these precious babes and funny husband who have made me a mama.

A special shout-out to my own Mama D: I wouldn't be where I am without you...obviously, ha ha!  For real though, I wouldn't be the woman and mama and wife that I am, without you in my life.  I am so thankful for you, and who you are in my life.  Thank you for all you have poured into me, and continue to pour into me and my little family.  We are so blessed by you, your love and support.  Thanks for being my mama!

And now, for some pictures of my silly little children, from this weekend:

Good morning-oatmeal faces:
I can not get enough of that little ponytail!  It makes her look SO grown-up!
A mama and her babies.  
{Aimee - this was partially for you...look closely at L's eyes and then mine.  Do you see what I see, or am I dreaming?!}
One of the super cute owl mugs Max and the kids got for me.  I LOVE them!
 My toddler of a boy.
And last, but not least, this is what my kids do when you give them stickers...adhere them to their faces, necks, legs and ears.  Oh dear, oh dear...

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  1. Oh I love it! So glad you had a good Mother's Day. Love your new cup too! Quite envious I must add. :)

  2. Mwa ha ha, yes, I see it! :)

  3. They are just so sweet! Happy belated Mother's Day!

  4. OK, L is really starting to look like your mini-you! SO PRECIOUS!



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