
4th of July weekend Recap.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Better late than never, right?!
I shared a bit about our 4th of July weekend last week, but wanted to share a few pictures I took.
We headed to Wilmington, to check out the Farmer's Market,
 have lunch downtown, and do some shopping at stores we don't have here in town.
Max and L, at lunch - L is the slowest eater EVER, ha ha!
On the way home, the babes fell fast asleep.
I turned around to check on L and she had her ears covered as she was sleeping?
Maybe Max and I were talking too loud?!
I didn't take any photos of the other fun things we did last weekend -
 (family movie night, dog park outings, ribs on our new grill, errands, pretty fish, etc) -
 but at least got a few on the 4th.
We went on base to watch fireworks.  
There were bands playing a few hours before the fireworks started,
as well as food vendors and activities for kids.
We sat and listened to music, then enjoyed almost 30 minutes of fireworks!
The kids did great and loved watching the light display!
 Overall, our 4th of July weekend rocked and we so enjoyed all of the time that Max got off of work!

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  1. hi kaylee! thanks so much for saying hi on my blog this weekend! i so appreciate you introducing yourself!! i just read down all your recent posts and oh. my. gosh. do you have the most beautiful babies!! we love books so very much too. in fact, i was just gonna blog about a book we read tonight. have a great week, girl.

  2. Oh gosh! I love when they fall asleep in sweet ways like that. :)



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