38 weeks preggo.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

38 weeks preggo today. Feeling pretty good. Tired (as usual), but getting to bed earlier is most definitely helping that out :)

I feel I am getting slower - I tried to walk fast to give something to Mama D the other day, and she laughed so hard at my "waddling" - ha!

Nothing new at the Doc last week, but I have another appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what he has to say!!

I am getting more and more excited to meet this little blueberry man! Any day! But for sure, he'll have to be here within 3 weeks (the Doc will induce right around 41 weeks if there has been no appearance yet, so the end is definitely in sight!!!!!)! Woot!

These photos are from 2 days ago, at L's birthday party:

I saw this one, of me sitting down and my jaw dropped. It just looks funny to see my huge preggo belly plopped on my lap! It can be fun to see photos because I don't always feel as big as I look - and then I see photos and am flabbergasted that my baby belly is actually that big!!!! SO fun!!

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  1. I love your big baby belly! =D I hope he gets here soon!

  2. i can't believe how much belly you have! please don't take that wrong, but the rest of you hasn't changed...just your belly! And you are ALL belly! you should get a cast of it right now...you are a beautiful momma!

  3. Oh I can't wait to hear that you had him! You seriously have that glowing look!



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