L's 1-year old Birthday Party.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Our lovely Ms. L has her very first birthday coming up in a week (I don't know if I can quite believe this!!!). So yesterday, we celebrated her special day with family and friends, at her 1st Birthday Party!

I had a lot of fun putting it together - sending out invites, planning food (appetizers/munchies), making some interactive "games", baking a cake and having everybody come over. I think L enjoyed herself as well - why wouldn't she?! She had all her favorite people over to play with, she got lots of balloons to "oooh" at, she got to tear wrapping paper apart and she got to eat cake - how could it have been any better?!

Here are some photos from our celebration:

I (and Auntie Aimee!) put together these cute paper banners that were hung around the living room, on the back of L's highchair and on the front door. I think they turned out well!

I jokingly call this our "daddy shrine" - we hung photos of L and her daddy from the kitchen light - she loves to look at them, point and make silly faces at him - it's cute!

This was one of the "games" I put together. In every picture, L had a different food on her face. People had to guess what she was eating that day.

This was the second "game". I printed out a picture from each month and hung them out of order. People had to guess how many months old she was in each picture. It was quite tricky, not gonna lie. But still fun.

L and her Great-Grandma.

L and her Grandma Judy.

L got a kick out of finally being allowed to rip paper up (I have tried to teach her not to, because she has a certain fetish with ripping up mass quantities of newspaper) - she loved helping me open her presents, although she would get distracted by each present (go figure, she's a 1-year old!!!). She got lots of super fun (and some noisy!) toys to play with! We've been having lots of fun playing with them!!!

It was so cute to watch her. With this bag, she wanted to look inside first before pulling the present out. It made us laugh.

A sweet fish music thing:

She got a little table that makes lots of noises and sounds - she LOVES to stand at it and dance to the different music and sounds.

Some of her party guests:

I know this is kind of a stupid picture (I am cutting her cake), but you can see some of the many balloons that were floating around. They were so fun and festive!!!!

Her rainbow cake! It turned out so cool! And tasted real yummy too!!!

As she was shoveling the cake into her mouth:

Little rainbow hands:

L, reading a book with her Grandpa Tom.

After most people left, Aimee and I got this genius idea to try to fly L away, like in the movie Up. I know, we're strange - but it was fun! So we gathered up a bunch of the balloons and tried to get her to hold them. She let go after a few seconds, but we did catch a picture :)

I think her party turned out well. It was fun to have people over to celebrate - although slightly surreal - it's seriously so crazy to think that it's already been a year since she was born!!!!

Oh. And obviously the little blueberry man was not feeling the 10.10.10 love going on, so he's still cooking away in this massive tummy of mine :)

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  1. what fun! Seriously, can YOU throw ME a birthday party!??! She is getting so big Kaylee:-) Love the Daddy Shrine...gotta have it! That Rainbow cake is awesome you should share how you made it!

  2. So fun! I love the rainbow cake! I need a really good excuse to make one. =)

    Not gonna lie, I'm a little sad that little man wasn't feeling 10.10.10. That would have been such a cool birthday!

  3. What an awesome birthday!!!! I love the daddy shrine and the rainbow cake! I'm also making my son's birthday cake and I planned on making one pretty similar. Yours turned out fabulous!

    Happy Birthday to your little girl!!



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