Sew There!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

It has come to my attention that there are some skeptics in my midst (A-HEM to a certain current London traveler...), who don't believe my sewing projects are for real.

SO, I have finally finished up all but one project (a new diaper bag tag) and have proof that I HAVE indeed been working on them!!!

I made pacifier clips for the little man (although some of them can also be used by L):

Here is the extent of my nursing cover! I am SUPER excited about this!!! It wasn't hard at all to make - just took time! And the tutorial I followed (Breastfeeding Cover Tutorial) was GREAT and easy enough for me to follow! Now I won't have to use a blanket when we are out and about, with the fear that the baby could pull it off while nursing and expose me! Here is the finished product, hanging up:

I know it's hard to see the print because it blends into the carpet, but you can see the general idea of it:

And here is the back. It was optional, but I included a piece of washcloth (on the lower left side) to wipe little mouths and a pocket (on the lower right side) for sticking miscellaneous things (AKA boob pads):

Here is a close-up of the fabric. I love it! Little blue swirls on dark brown! SUPER cute!!!

I made 6 bibs for the little man. They were also super easy to do and the tutorial (Baby Bib Tutorial) was also easy for me to follow along with. Here are the first two:

The second set. I LOVE the elephant!

And the third set. I didn't realize how much I loved the blue fabric on the left until I had put the bib together - I almost wanted to make more in that fabric because it turned out SO cute!!!

Sew there you have it! My completed sewing projects! All ready to go for whenever the little man (no new progress yet!) decides to make his big debut!!!

And because I can't help but take lots of pictures of Ms. L, here is one from the other day, when she was playing in the leaves:

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  1. That is awesome work! You should sell stuff on etsy or something (unless you already do! haha)

  2. Awesome stuff!! :) I love the little pacifier clip ribbons!

  3. I LOVE the nursing cover. Such a great idea with the washcloth and the fabric is fabulous.

    And of course since I'm such a huge breastfeedinf advocate, I just have to say I think it's awesome that you are doing so =]



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