"Fully Cooked"

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Today, the little blueberry man is said to be "fully cooked" and would no longer be considered pre-term: I am 37 weeks preggo!

Last week at my (now)-weekly Doctor appointment, the Doc informed me that I was 2cm dilated already. Although that might not mean anything in terms of when the little man comes, it DID still fill me with hope that it might be sooner rather than later. Either way, I have, at most, 4 weeks to go, and then they would induce this little babe out of me.

If I had a say, I THINK that he'll either come the 10th (because how cool would 10.10.10 be for a birthday?!?) or the 25th. Any other guesses?!?

I have been having Braxton-Hicks contractions for the past week and a half. Sometimes they even last for over an hour before subsiding. But nothing regular has started yet, so it's become a little bit of a waiting game! I have been walking almost everyday - which seems to bring on some contractions. And yesterday, Ms. Aimee decided to make it her goal to coax this baby on out - I was going up the stairs 2 at a time (looked like a crazy...), I was bouncing on the exercise ball, we were telling the little guy he was welcome to come now (one website said we needed to make him feel welcome...ha!, and was told to keep eating LOTS of spicy food! All I DO know is that this little guy will come out when he is good and ready!!!

I have been feeling pretty good. Really tired by the end of each day. I am still sleeping pretty well, which I am so thankful for. My hormonal, emotional state is faring much worse than my physical self - I have been a bit "on the edge", or as Mama D would say, I am just plain "pissy" - oops - better work on being more kind and not letting my emotions get the best of me!

Everything is ready for the little man to come. We even got the 2nd crib up (pictures to come soon, of our new and improved room set-up!!!!). And I completed all my sewing projects (pictures ALSO to come soon!!!), which I was so proud of!! My hospital bag is packed, the instructions for taking care of L are in the drawer and the calling list is posted in multiple places! Although I will never fully feel "ready" for this baby (who ever can feel absolutely ready for such a big change - especially when you don't know fully what to expect?!?!), I am as ready as possible. And am doing my best to trust that God has it all in His control - because He does. I just keep reminding myself that God is for me :)

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  1. Your belly looks adorable!!! I hope he makes his appearance very soon for you! 10/10/10 would be an awesome birthday!

  2. Omg, 10.10.10 would be a totally awesome birthday! I think I'm gonna root for that one for you. =)

    I know I've said it before, but you are SUCH a cute pregnant lady!!! *love* the belly. =)

  3. Kaylee you are beautiful...such a cute preggo mom! I can't wait to see the little man and hear of your great stories. I pray it all goes smoothly!

  4. kaylee...you look absolutely stunning in your pictures. i think your little blueberry will come around oct 20th...but that is just my guess.



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