
Feeling a little under the weather.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

I've been fighting off a sore throat all week, and was hoping it wouldn't get to anybody else in the house.  I've been sucking down mass amounts of tea all week long, trying to get enough rest, and load up on foods full of vitamins.

But go figure, we have a case of the sickies around here.  Poor baby Evie and L are not happy campers - you can tell they both feel pretty awful.  Both just want to lay around and sleep - I'm sure, if it's anything like what I feel, they have sore throats and headaches and congestion.  No good!  At least Ezra seems fine so far - he is still running around, being loud and silly.

So although there is much to be done in our house, especially in light of our move coming up, today is a day for rest and movies and lots of nose-blowing/hand-washing.  The biggest decision we've had to make is whether to cook chicken noodle soup or chicken & dumplings for dinner - and what movie to watch together!  

Hoping my sweet girls feel better soon, and my guys don't get it!  

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  1. Oh no. :( I hope you all get better soon.

  2. Your poor family! Feel better soon!!

  3. Oh poor babies (and you)!! Feel better soon! Love that red teapot! Enjoy that comfort food and movie night! xo

  4. Hoping you all feel better soon!

  5. Poor little ones! Hope you are all feeling better soon!!



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