
12 in 2012. July Edition.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

{Image by Dani}

It's July 12.  That means it's time for me to take a look at my goals for 2012, and evaluate how I am doing.  I know these may be boring posts, and I'll be honest, I don't always look forward to them, but in the end, they are so good for me.  The accountability of thinking through the things I am working on (or NOT working on, ha!) is so helpful to me.  So, with that being said, here we go...

1. Community Living: Still not much progress with this one.  I don't have much to say, probably because I know some steps I can take, and just need to start working through those steps.  My little goal within this one is to find a group or two to become involved with, starting in September (as many groups take breaks for the summer...).  

2. Physical Activity: I have been working out 4-5 times a week during the past few weeks, as well as taking walks when it isn't terribly hot and humid out.  I am right on track with my weight gain for this pregnancy, so am happy with where I am at.  The one thing I have noticed this last week is that working out in the mornings has been making me SO hungry all day long!  I guess I need to start eating more filling/substantial (read: healthy!) snacks in between meals.

3. Read 15 books: I read Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food a few weeks ago.  It was a good, easy read, and I enjoyed the ideas and facts that he put forward.  It's been making me think more about the food that I put in my body and give to my family.  I also finished the first two books in Janette Oke's Canadian West series, and am currently working on the third one.  I am in the middle of Crazy Love and 1000 Gifts and plan to finish them in the next month, while we are on vacation in AZ!

4. Manual Photography Skills: I don't know if I am getting any better using the manual mode on my camera, but I am feeling much more comfortable using it, and tend to only shoot in manual lately.  I would still really like to find some online tutorials or maybe even take an online class, to help me learn more.

5. Outside walks/playtime: I know I've said it a few times in the last week or so, but I am having a harder time this summer, dealing with the heat and humidity (and know it will only get hotter, oy!), so it's been a struggle to get out for walks in the past few weeks.  Not to mention, that due to Max's infection/wound, he has not been up for walking after dinner.  We are still playing a lot on the screened porch, with our car/trike/chalks - and that provides a great way to be outside without being in the direct sun - and gives us somewhere to escape to when the house starts to feel cramped or "boring".

6. Creative and structured toddler activities: No progress here, not going to lie.  I do a lot to involve the kids with cooking/baking/cleaning/laundry, outside of the other things we do (coloring/toys/play-doh/outside/trips to the park/pool), but I guess I am at a bit of a loss when it comes to other activities.  I would like to start working more on our ABC's and 123's, in a more formal setting - as well as shapes and colors.  L knows some, but I think we could definitely work on them.

7. Journal consistently: Let's just leave it at this: not going well right now.

8. Date night 1x/month: Does being at the hospital together without kids a few weeks ago count?!  We were able to go out with our friends, while we were in Charlotte last week, which was a blast.  And when we are on vacation in AZ the end of July, we are going to have a few opportunities for a few date nights/outings.  I can't wait!

9. Grow a garden: My flowers, herbs and tomatoes are all doing well!  So proud that things are still alive, AND I am getting red tomatoes off our plant - so much fun!

10. 10 minutes/day of "Be still and know" time: The last few weeks have been really good - I have been making a very intentional effort to spend 10-15 minutes reading and just sitting with Jesus in the mornings (as well as following along with the SheReadsTruth reading plans).  And I can tell this has been so good for me, and for my heart. 

11. Craft time: Has not been happening.  I have my little craft space all set up and some projects lined up to work on, but I honestly have not had much motivation or time or energy to sit down and work on them.  

12. Baby #3: Growing and doing well.  Can't believe I am 30 weeks today, and only have a few more months before we get to meet the little one!

I know I have some areas that I would love to keep working on - and it's good for me to keep taking these monthly looks, so I can gain a better idea of where I am at.  I am also proud of myself for the little steps I have been taking with some of my goals.  I might have progress to make, but it makes my heart happy knowing I am in progress and have much room for improvement.

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  1. I've been so bad at keeping up with my 12 in 2012. It's been hard to keep motivated lately, this heat and humidity certainly don't help! Great job on keeping up with working out! :)



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