
Monday Snapshots.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Today has felt like a very long day.  Probably because it's Monday, and this mama is just wiped out.  Max has been gone the last few days, and will be gone for a few more.  For some reason, him being away makes the days seem even longer.  The kids are definitely missing him.  They woke up from their afternoon nap grumpier than ever, and cried and cried for Daddy.  I guess mama wasn't good enough for them, ha!  We've been keeping plenty busy, and today I tried to take snapshots throughout our day.  

Enjoy the glimpse into our Monday.
 Motivated potty-training commenced this morning // overflowing dirty diapers, aka Mama did laundry today // getting reacquainted with my sewing machine 

building towers and houses out of legos - L is definitely the best builder around this house // trying to catch a peek of my toes hiding under my belly // feeding some of the fish we have 

my early morning pregnant-lady workout // all the fixins for peanut butter chocolate chip cookies // some of the material I'm working with for a little project
reading with Ezzy // cleaning, per usual // catching L on her potty chair (during dinner, no less, ha ha!) 

after pool time this afternoon - empty pool and drying porch // Ezzy telling me he's 'all done!' // the two books we read every.single.naptime.and.bedtime

 dinner - refried bean cheese crisps with guacamole and strawberries - in their beloved fish plates...the kids seriously eat on those every single meal // freshly watered basil plant // free Redbox rental for Mama

Now, if you'll excuse me, dishes are drying, laundry is done (for tonight, at least!), kids are in their beds and mostly asleep, and I am going to pop in that free movie for a little unwind time...

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