Sunday Morning Tunes.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Max is off and away for the day, picking up a new fish tank - he left at 0500, and I think he was just a little bit excited to go pick it up finally - he can't wait to set it up and get it ready for fish and coral.  As a result of knowing he would be gone all day today, we got to go to church last night.  Which means this morning has been a laid-back, pajama kind of morning, eating homemade monkey bread and cheesy scrambled eggs, and listening to some tunes that have me singing at the top of my lungs and the kids bouncing around the house.

I thought I'd share a few of the songs we've had on this morning, because seriously, they have blessed and brightened our morning.

We have a low-key day lined up - laundry, hanging out, taking a walk, baking cookies, and maybe watching a movie later.  Pray for us?  Today is Day 1 of Operation Pacifier No-More, and in a short while, Ezzy gets to take a nap without his beloved paci - it might be a rough few sleep times...

Hope you have a lovely Sunday!

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  1. Brave mama!! H loves the paci. I am not looking forward to that day. Prayers for you.



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