
Playing in the Kitchen (Our DIY Play Kitchen)

Monday, January 30, 2012

We've wanted the kids to have a play kitchen for some time, so for Christmas, Max and I made them one.  We found an old entertainment center on craigslist for $10, sanded it down, made some modifications, painted it, and turned it into a play kitchen!
And after!
 We took the two small side cupboard doors off, switched out the glass door for a wood one, drilled a hole for a "sink" (using a cheap dog bowl), glued on an upside-down wooden letter "J" for the faucet, and glued on old painted CD's for the stove burners.  
I painted some canvasses I found at a thrift store, to add a little "decor" above the sink.  The side door became the "fridge", and I sewed some quick curtains to hide the food/cooking utensils that is usually strewn around our house by the end of the day.
It's kind of big, but the kids have a great time cooking away in it.  Plus, I can use the top to store things I don't want the kids getting into, which is always a bonus!  The picture on top was a Christmas gift from Auntie Aimee - a beautiful drawing that her cousin did of L.  I love it!
Max put in a lot of work to get the play kitchen done, and we are both very pleased with how it turned out.  We probably spent less than $60 on the entire thing, which was an additional plus.  The kids really enjoy playing with it, and it's a lot of fun to watch their imaginations in action!

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  1. Awesome! You guys are so creative!
    Will definately keep this idea in mind when the time comes for Luka to start playing with "real" toys. :)

  2. This is amazing! I'm so impressed with your ingenuity and creative style! LOVE IT!!! :)

  3. Awesome! You guys did a great job! I bet your kids will have fun with it for years!

  4. That is SOOOO awesome! Well done!

  5. Aw ha that's so cute!! I love the color you chose. And that's pretty smart using a J for the faucet.. and cds for burners. Clever clever!

  6. That is so creative and awesome!! And way better than a store bought one, in my opinion. :)

  7. Hi Kaylee! What a cool kitchen - and what great ideas for making it without spending a lot of money. I would never have thought of using CD's for burners or the upside down J - and they are perfect.
    Congrats too for your 30 day challenge. I am trying to motivate myself to get back on track eating right. You've given me some motivation! Take care-

    1. Thanks Kris!! We had some much fun making the kitchen, although I must say Max did most of the hard work :) He's such a trooper when I get some ideas, ha! I can't claim the CD's and upside down J as my own idea...many other people have done the same thing in the past!!!



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