Hello 2012.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year!

For some reason, today feels like the start of something new and fresh.  A new year does not always bring this kind of response for me.  But today, on the first day of 2012, it does.

Sitting in church today, remembering how faithful God has been in the past, I was reminded that He will be faithful in the future.  2012 may not prove to be easy or without it's share of struggles, challenges and setbacks, but I am certain that God will provide and will be faithful to His promises.  I can only cling to that hope, and to the knowledge that He is my solid rock.  Whatever comes, whether joy and blessing or trial and tribulation, I will stand strong in Him.  

I have my fair share of goals for 2012 and those goals will be shared soon. Lessons have been learned in the past year to help prompt me in the year to come, and I admit that I have high hopes for the adventure that is before me. For today though, I want to continue ruminating on the overwhelming love and grace of God. 

Because today, I am alive and I am free.   

And that fills me with joy and gives me great reason to lean on the faithfulness of God - in remembering my yesterdays and in looking forward to my tomorrows.

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  1. Wonderful post! I had the same thoughts for the new year...I am actually looking forward to it and ready to take on whatever comes our way :)
    Happy New Year to you!



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