
Making Memories - cookie houses, building toys & birthday gifts.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

I mentioned yesterday that our weekend was filled with fun activities and family visits.  We celebrated Eliana's 2nd and Ezra's 1st birthdays with family, and the kids were spoiled rotten with fun gifts!  We also built a Halloween cookie house (well, actually, the girls built it while the guys put the kid toys together!) and played a lot with our fun new toys!

Building the Halloween cookie house that Great-aunt Kathy brought!  
L kept putting the candy in her mouth without us seeing - it was super funny!  
 Great-Aunt Kathy, Grandma Marilyn, my mom (Bibi), and L - she was SO tired at the end of the day, 
hence the dazed look on her face, ha ha!
While the girls were putting the cookie house together, we sent the guys out to put the birthday gifts together.  They assembled a wagon, a tricycle and a push-car.  I think it ended up taking them a few hours, plus a few beers and cigars - although they kept telling us it was "so hard", I know they enjoyed themselves out in the garage!
 The kids absolutely LOVED their birthday gifts.  Look at Z's face in the car - he was ecstatic to sit in there and keeps making a "vroom" noise when he gets pushed around.  They have been on multiple walks in their wagon, and think it's just super special to sit up and be pulled around.  And L's trike?  She hasn't quite figured it out yet and needs about another inch to reach the pedals better, but she will get the hang of it soon!
 We try to take turns in the car, although that ends up in 2-year old tantrums half the time, and some good lessons in sharing!
Tomorrow, Z turns one-year old!  Yikes!  Where has the time gone?!  I have some more 1-year pictures that we took last week, to share.  And then I have a few more photos from our time at the beach this past weekend, to share on Friday!!  

The rest of this week, we are busy doing some room re-arranging in the house, working on crafty projects, and then this weekend brings the Marine Corps Ball - I've never been to a ball, so it should be a fun experience! 
Any advice or suggestions or "need-to-know" info from those who have attended military balls in the past?!

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  1. Ball advice: don't wear the slutty dress (not likely you ever would) because that's all you'l ever be remembered for..

    Don't get plastered...again the only thing you'll ever be remembered for.

    Wear Comfortable shoes: there's a lot of sit down then standing during the ceremony.

    Always bring a camera, and cash.

    Typically we eat a small dinner before we go because the food arrives late (like past 7 in past yrs) and is not always something we'd prefer to eat. (last yr we had butternut squash soup that looked like a diaper changing happened in a bowl!!)

    Talk to everyone at your table, it help ease things up.

    Wear your man proudly on his Arm, no pda and have a blast.

  2. Oh my goodness! Can't believe he's going to be 1! I think he was only like a month old when I started following you..

    For the ball:
    Just remember you're representing your husband.. keep it classy!

    And try not to stare at the girls wearing micro minnie dresses and stripper heels. haha

  3. I agree with the ball advice: Don't wear a slutty dress! lol

    Happy Birthday to the kids!

  4. What a fun birthday celebration!

    I agree with the advice above (although we always tend to have good food- it is served late though!). Don't worry too much about the standing/sitting they'll tell you what to do, just pay attention... we had a whole group of PFC girlfriend's standing during a time to honor the Marines who won a certain award (oops! embarrassing!).

  5. Looks fun! Happy early birthday, Z!

    And have fun at the ball. I've only been to one, but it was lovely.

  6. too fun! L's face is priceless in the pic at the table..."ahh i ate too much!!"



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