
Halloween Fun.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

We have been staying busy with visits from family, and all the fun that those visits entail - birthday celebrations, getting spoiled with fun new toys, lots of delicious food, trips to the beach, card games, decorating Halloween "gingerbread" houses, and lots of good conversations and laughter!  I have lots of other pictures to share from our weekend, but today, I have some from our Halloween adventures.  

We went to find some big carving pumpkins on Saturday, but by the time we went to look for them, there were only little ones or wart-y ones left!  L got to pick out a pumpkin, and she chose a little yellow gourd.  Z just wanted to chew on his pumpkin's stem.  I picked out a really cool green, wart-y pumpkin that is now adorning our front step!  
 I can't get over his little owl hat - it cracks me up!
L, picking out pumpkins with her Bibi.
 That is my dad in the background.  Oh what a funny man he is!  I promise, he's not as scary as he looks, ha ha!  
 We dressed up the babes yesterday and took them around the neighborhood for some trick-or-treating. They were adorable, dressed up as a zebra and a giraffe (L wore that giraffe costume last year...)  I call them my safari animals, although another little girl called them the 'zoo animals'!  Little Z sat all big and proud in his wagon, and Max pulled him around.  L wanted to walk with me, of course, but man alive, was she a tired little girl after our loop around the block!  She collected quite the candy collection (everybody said she was such a cute zebra and would give her a handful of candy!), and the one she wanted to eat most was the tootsie-roll pop, so she got to enjoy that after her dinner.  
We had a fun evening, and it was cute to teach L to say 'Happy Halloween' and 'trick-or-treat'.  I must admit though, I am pretty excited that today is November 1 - because you know what that means....Christmas is getting closer!  I love Christmas!  Oh! And the season of Christmas music has begun!  Woot!

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  1. Cutest safari animals, ever!

    Those pumpkins freak me out, I'm afraid to touch them. haha

    And that hat?

  2. Oh my gosh!! Seriously adorable!! I love their hats, too!

  3. So cute! We had such a great time seeing the little kids in their costumes last night when we handed out candy :)



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