
Happy 1st Birthday, Z-man!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

 Ezra is 1-year old today!  I know I say it all the time, but time sure does fly!  It's crazy to think that my little man is already a year old - it honestly feels like just yesterday that we were welcoming him into the world, 
excited to meet him and unsure how the transition to two babes would be!  
 Z is such a joy.  He is constantly smiling or laughing, and is always making noise of some sort.  Z also moves a LOT - he is always crawling, or walking between furniture, or bouncing up and down, or waving his arms, or bopping his head around.  
He loves music, banging on things, cuddling, and he absolutely adores his big sister.
Ezra also loves to eat.  A lot. And will eat pretty much anything. His hand is doing really well, and is healing nicely.  He wears a little compression glove throughout the day, 
but other than that, it looks so good, and doesn't seem to bother him at all!   
 He is just learning to wave 'bye-bye', and to clap his hands together.  He can say a variation of 'Eliana', mama, thank-you and uh-oh, and can woof like a dog or moo like a cow.  
We love our little Ezzy man, and are so blessed to have him in our lives - I don't think we knew, when we got pregnant with him, that we were ready for two babies so close in age, but I am thankful that God knows far more than I could ever pretend to know, and that He has our best in mind.  I could not imagine life without the Z man - I pray I can be the mama God wants me to be, so that I can raise Ezra up to be a strong man, who loves the Lord above all else.  
Happy Birthday to my sweet little boy!

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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Ezra!!!!!!!

  2. Happy, happy birthday little man Ezra!! I love how he looks like a different family member in each picture. Sometimes he is a Max clone and sometimes you or L. Hug your kids from me. I love and miss them lots!!

  3. Seriously, didn't you just HAVE him? Happy Birthday!!

  4. :) Happy birthday! Such cute pictures.

  5. It doesn't seem like it has been a year since reading on your blog that he was born! Happy birthday Z!

  6. So sweet! Happy birthday Z man!



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