
Making Memories - a blustery beach day.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Last weekend, while my parents and Grandma were in town, we headed to the beach for a little visit.  It was pretty blustery out, but we all enjoyed the salty wind, the sand under our feet, collecting shells and the brisk sea air.  I know I've said it before, but to stand before the ocean, is such a humbling thing; it reminds me of how small I am, and how great God is - what a beautiful, awesome reminder!
L was busy collecting all sorts of things - rocks, shells, sand.
 There were two big ships right off shore, that we enjoyed watching and talking about.  
Of course, my husband and father had to wade out in the water. 
 L thought this big piece of rock needed to fit in her bucket.  
It was hilarious watching her try to pick up the bucket after that one!
 I like to take goofy self-portraits. 
 This is great evidence that my husband and I were made for each other...
Cutie pie.
L, with her Bibi and Babu.  And my dad with L, in the ocean. 
 I guess we took a similar picture almost one year ago, 
when we moved here to NC, so we had to re-create the memory for my dad!
 I love me some Ezzy.
Yes, I know Z is chewing on a shell.  You try keeping things out of his mouth!  

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  1. That picture of L walking with the bucket is amazing. I love it!

    Love the self portraits!

  2. That looks like fun!!

    What sort of camera do you have? I'm looking at getting a DSLR soon!

  3. Oh you have such cute kiddos! I love your blog! Where are you guys stationed?

  4. Beautiful pictures! :) Love the one of L at a distance with her bucket.

    I love your new photo on the side, too! You always make cute changes to your blog. What do you use to edit?

  5. I echo the others - The picture of L walking is beautiful!!!



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