
Good morning, cereal fans!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Monday morning to y'all!  

We love cereal around here...

Uh, Z-man, you gots a little something-something on your chin...

Classic mealtime vision.
Lucy, the food-loving-Basset Hound, waits eagerly, in hopes that something might fall in her reach.
Worst part is, L has figured out that it's "fun" to feed Lucy.
How do little ones learn these things?!  

At least I have a mini-vacuum cleaner in the shape of a goofy-looking puppy?!
We're off to go on our after-breakfast walk, and then play til we drop :)
Hope y'all have a lovely day!!

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  1. Oooooh - I just want to pinch those cute cheeks! Oh yes, I'll get to in a few days:) Big hugs!!!



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