
11 in 2011. June Edition.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

(Image from Dani @ Hard Corps Love)

It's crazy to think that it's already June and we are halfway done with 2011.
Time, stop going so fast!

Once again, I feel that the progress on some of my goals is going very well.
And others, eh, not so much.
But then again, that's why it's progress.
There is always something to work on, to learn, to succeed in.
So, without further ado, the monthly check-in on my goals:

1. Read 12 new books.
I have not read a book at all this month.
With visitors and usual household tasks, I have had very little time to read.
I do have a few books lined up on my nightstand, so when I do find that elusive spare moment, I can take full advantage of it.

2. Try 2 new recipes.
As always, this one is easy for me.
A few of the new recipes I've tried this month...
Stuffed Green peppers.
Curried Ham with rice.
Strawberry-rhubarb pie.
Bacon Ranch Macaroni & Cheese.
Sauteed Eggplant.

3. Lose the "baby house" weight.
I am very proud to say that, finally, I am working on this one.
I did the 30-day shred on and off at the beginning of the year.
But made a commitment to REALLY do it now.
So, for the past 8 days, I've done it every.single.day.
And the scale is starting to reflect my new exercise and eat-healthy regime!

4. Read (at least) one chapter in the Bible every day.
This one has been on and off.
And I can see the consequences in my everyday life.
I feel as though the overflow of my heart has not been very pleasant or pretty lately.
And I know, without a doubt, that it has much to do with how much time I make for God.
I need to start fervently praying for a thirst, a longing for God's Word.
And I must start carving time into my day that is solely spent with Him.

5. Tell my babes I love them every.single.day.
Still going strong.

6. Grow something green.
My herbs are growing!
We used the fresh basil and fresh dill this week in two recipes!
And I have flowers!
That are GROWING!
This is a big deal for me!
I must say, though, that my husband has much to do with it.
He has a much greener thumb, compared to me :)

7. Get outside and walk every day.
I am proud to say that this one has been going super!
I think it's the hot weather.
Or knowing that Lucy does much better once she's been walked.
I usually get out, with Lucy and the babes, after breakfast.
And then, we usually go on an after-dinner stroll as well!
I love that the weather allows us to walk multiple times a day!

8. Use less. Conserve more.
Still vague.
And still working on this.

9. Take more pictures. Capture everyday moments. Record more video.
I have a ton of photos that I want to share on the blog.
We've been getting some good ones!
The video thing?!
It needs improvement, although the video camera HAS been out lately!

10. Spend less. Save more.
I feel we have much work to do with our money.
But we have, overall, been spending less.
It's the saving aspect that we have to work on.

11. Be more intentional.
I love this goal.
And yet, it's one of the harder ones.
Probably because it's vague.
In some ways, I have become more intentional.
And in others, I have a lot of work to get done.

{Forgive my slow, tired brain tonight.  It's been another long day...}
As I reflect upon my goals, knowing that it's been half a year already, I am filled with anticipation.
I am excited to see how I continue to improve.
And proud that I've been cataloging and really thinking on what I CAN improve upon.
I am eager to keep working on my goals for this year and to see how I change and grow.

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  1. Those are great goals! Way to go on all the progress you made :)



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