
11 in 2011. February Edition.

Friday, February 11, 2011

{Image from Dani @ Hard Corps Love}

February 11th might have snuck up on me.
All of a sudden, it hit me that today was the day I check-in with my 2011 goals!
Sheesh!  I must be busy to have almost missed that one!!

My 11 in 2011 is going alright.
I am definitely doing better on some.
And then others, well...let's just say they are still a work in progress :)

Here is my monthly check-in:

1. Read 12 new books.
I read The Power of a Praying Wife this month.
I have one more chapter to read!
(the book is designed so you read a chapter a day)
I would HIGHLY recommend this book.
It's been great.
I have no clue what book I am going to read next, but have a dozen on my list to choose from.

2. Try 2 new recipes a month.
Again, this one has been going great.
I LOVE trying new recipes.
And with Max coming home soon, I wanted to try out some new ones ahead of time!
Gosh, I can't even remember specific ones from lately.
I was on a cornbread kick one week and must have tried 3 different recipes.
And a few different chocolate chip cookie recipes.
Hotcakes (this is my new go-to pancake recipe, by the way!)
Fried Rice.
Cheesy Cauliflower & Ham Bake (we LOVED this one!)

3. Lose the "baby house" weight.
I did SO well at this the last two weeks of January.
I was working out almost everyday.
(I've been doing the 30-day shred video).
But these first two weeks of February?
I don't know.
Must get back on track...

4. Read (at least) one chapter in the Bible every day.
This has been great.
I have been reading Psalm 18 over and over again.
And Colossians 3.
And Nehemiah 8.

5. Tell my babes I love them every.single.day.
I thought I needed this one on my list, to make sure I vocalized this to my kids.
But I have come to find out that I say this to them MULTIPLE times a day.

6. Grow something green.
I got a plant!
Ok, so I only got it yesterday!
But that counts, right?!  
My Grandma sent a plant for Valentine's Day.
I named the plant Beatrice (I have this thing with naming objects - my car, etc).
I love it!
We'll see how long I can keep it alive...

7. Get outside and walk every day.
Can we not talk about this one?!
I don't do very well at it.
I've gotten out more than in January. 
But not every day.

8. Use Less. Conserve More.
This one is still challenging me.
I've been recycling.
But that's not good enough.
I should rant about my recycling theory some day, ha ha!
Oh the joys of having studied environmental development/sustainability in school!
I know so many of the things I can be doing.
And I do quite a few.
But I must challenge myself to do more!

9. Take more pictures. Capture everyday moments. Record more videos.
Doing alright on this one.
Haven't been taking as many pictures.
But working on the videos!
Although the uploading process is quite frustrating to me.
Must figure out a way to streamline that.

10. Spend less. Save more.
With Max coming home soon, I have been stocking up on a bunch of stuff.
So I can't say we spent less.
Or saved more.
Must work on this.

11. Be more intentional.
Again, difficult to measure.
I have found myself intentionally sitting on the floor with the babes almost every day.
Just spending time on their level, loving on them.
It's easy to get caught up in household tasks and forget to actually stop and play, you know?!
So I'm trying.  
To wrestle.
And build legos.
And giggle at tickly stuffed seal whiskers.
And smile at bright colors.
And rejoice in a baby learning to roll over.

Like I said, some are going better than others.
But I am feeling good about my 11 in 2011.  
It's February.
(Wait!  It's February!!? Do you KNOW what that means?!)
So I have time.
Time to work on and really think on (and act on!) some of these goals.

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  1. It sounds like you're doing great overall! And with eleven(ish)months left, you have plenty of room for improving the things you're (not so) great in!



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