Update. And some recent photos.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I was told today by my dear mother that it has been 5 days since I have posted.
And apparently, that is too long for certain family members to go without photos and updates :)
I love it!

We are doing well.  
The week started out in a bit of a funk.
My cousin was supposed to come visit for the week, 
but because of the snow and storms that occurred, 
she ended up not being able to make it.
Big bummer.
Once I finally got over my bummed-out-ness, we made the most of our week.

We've been busy getting things done around here:
organizing, cleaning, baking, running errands, etc.
Slowly, but surely, I am crossing things off on my to-do list!  Woot!
And I have this whole long list of sewing projects that I am SO excited to start.
But I told myself that I had to wait until I got some other things done 
before I could open up my BRAND NEW sewing machine!

Max is doing well.
We don't have TOO much longer and this deployment will be wrapping up.
And really, I mean, it's getting close.
Like I am getting all jumpy and eagerly anxious just thinking about it.
Ok, so it's not THAT close yet.
But after almost a year, the time left doesn't feel like long!
I can't WAIT to have that man home with us!

The babes are wonderful.
The little Z man is growing like a stinking weed.
He's what? Just about 10 weeks old?!
And his 3-month sized clothes are already getting snug. 
I know - we just make big babies, ok?!

Ms. L is constantly making me laugh.
I have to be careful because she does silly things at the table.
Just testing her boundaries.
She is learning.
But I have to be careful not to laugh to encourage any naughty behavior.
Which is really hard to do when you have a super cute 1-year old
with a super cute gap-toothed grin, waving a forkful of food at you.

Anyways.  Onto photos.
This one is for Willie and Hannah.
She LOVES her popper toy!
Oh.  And I love Z's face here. Classic.

My little man.

L absolutely ADORES pomegranates.
If she gets a few, she won't eat anything else on her tray.
And she does this curious thing where she puts one in her mouth and crunches down.
I can hear it explode, which she thinks is hysterical.

She was wearing this hat around for a few days this past week.

Typical Z. 

This is a usual meal-time.  
Kitty, waiting.  For what?  Who knows.
Z man, joining in.
L, eating away, learning her fork.

My man.
I think I've posted this.
But I found it again and it just makes me SO happy.
Have I mentioned how excited I am for him to come home?!?!

Babu taught L how to pull her turtles.  
This day, she had them attached her to her baby stroller.

Love this smile.
Oh. And love that it looks like lego-boy is whispering lego secrets into Z's ear.

"Look mama, I found my hand"

I seriously think he's a mini-Maxwell.

I was trying to be artsy, ok?!

I was making dinner the other day.
L was playing and entertaining herself.
I looked over and she was all the way INSIDE this cupboard. 
By the time I got my camera, she had climbed mostly out
It's one of her favorite spots to play in (and empty!).

My little nerd :)
Please note the graphing calculator in her hand.
And that her socks are pulled up over her pants.

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  1. Uh, yeah. The Z man is most definitely a mini-Max. =) I think L looks just like you too. You guys have mini-mes!! LOL

  2. that is a great post with so many fun filled pictures! I am so glad your man is coming home soon, I don't know how you did it or are doing it. You are a strong woman! Hope the next few weeks fly by for you:-)



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