
11 in 2011. January Edition.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

{Image from Dani at Hard Corps Love}

It's January 11.
That means it's time for the first monthly 11 in 2011 update.
I like this.
It's a good way to keep me accountable to the goals I made for myself.
This month, there isn't too much to update on, to be honest.
It's only the 11th day of the year!
Which, by the way, how did we already get almost 2 weeks into January?!
I'm stoked because it just means that
Max coming home is that much closer.

Anyways, here are my goals.
And a check-in to see where I'm at.

1. Read 12 new books.
I have not started this one yet.
 I have a whole list of books that I want to read though.
And to be fair, I am just a few chapters away from finishing "God Strong".
I did start that last year though, so really it doesn't count for one of my 12!
Once I get that done, I'll pick up another!

2. Try 2 new recipes a month.
Holy stromboli!
This one is going great!
I LOVE trying out new recipes.
So far we've tried:
Crunchy fried fish
Hush puppies
Buttermilk coffeecake
Honey-Curry Chicken
Maybe if I get motivated enough, I'll post some of the recipes...

3.  Lose the "baby house" weight.
Baby house is definitely still there.
I'll be honest and admit that I have not been working out.
Better get on that...

4. Read (at least) one chapter in the Bible every day.
This one has been going pretty well.
There have only been a few nights that I realize I haven't opened my Bible.
Last night, I was hanging out in Isaiah 43.
Check it out! Good stuff!

5. Tell my babes I love them every.single.day.
Check. Times a lot. Yay :)

6. Grow something green.
Uhm, this has not been started yet.
I'm nervous I'll kill whatever thing I try to grow!
Maybe Max can help me when he gets home?!

7. Get outside and walk every day.
Epic fail.
There have maybe been 3 or 4 days so far that we have done this.
I can't even blame it on anything.

8. Use Less. Conserve More.
Does getting the shower right when I turn on the water count?
Oh!  But I am super excited to start some sewing projects.
Not just any old sewing projects!
Sewing projects that use old, outdated clothes!
Re-using!  That's conserving, right?!  In a way?!

9. Take more pictures. Capture everyday moments. Record more videos.
I picked up my camera at least once every day thus far.  
But the video camera still has not seen the light of day.

10. Spend Less. Save more.
This is hard to evaluate so far! 
I did buy some new clothing items for the kids and I.
That's not exactly spending less.
BUT they were all on-sale items.
Good, right?!

11. Be more intentional.
This, I feel, is also difficult to measure.
I do know, though, that I have been contemplating intentionality a lot lately.
And how I can put it into practice in different areas of my life.
That's a good start, right?!

Overall, after 11 days, I feel pretty good about my goals.
I am excited to keep working on them!  

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  1. Sounds like you have some pretty good goals :) Good luck! & I love your pictures btw way - can't wait to see me more of goal nine!! ;)

  2. Love this! You're doing great, it's awesome hearing your progress too! I was so excited for the 11th today, and now I can't wait for the 11th of next month to update with more! Keep up the awesome work. :-)

  3. I love it, very cool idea and you're doing a really good job!

    I tagged you on my blog!



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