Room Sharing?

Monday, January 17, 2011

I am looking for a little wisdom from those mama's (well, I guess for anybody who feels they have an opinion on it...) out there who have had kiddo's who share or have shared a room.  

My plan has always been to have L and Z share a room - this way we get to keep a guest room available for any visitors we might be having.  Plus, the kids can learn to share space and sleep through (hopefully!) each other's night noises.  

When we lived at my parents house, we ALL (L, Z and I) shared a room - that was fun, ha!  A 1-year old, a newborn and a mama - made for some interesting nights and we had to learn what worked best to help L sleep through Z and his many newborn night feedings.  However, since moving, L has been in the babe's room and Z has been sleeping in the pack-n-play in our room - making it more convenient for night feedings.  

But as I've been thinking about Max coming home (cause it's getting closer and closer you know {insert huge silly grin here}!!!), I have been pondering the transition of Z sleeping in the babe's room.  It would be really nice to have our own space again - to not have to worry about tip-toeing around and keeping the lights down and being quieter while he sleeps at night.

BUT, I have no idea if it's too soon or how exactly to go about it.

Right now, on a good night, Z gets up once or twice to eat during the night.  Usually he goes to sleep right after L (after, simply because I am only one mama and I can't get them in bed simultaneously, so I typically get L in bed, then feed Z and put him in bed), around 730 or 800.  He'll usually sleep a good 5-6 hour stretch, get up and eat, go right back to sleep, then sleep another 3-4 hour stretch before wanting to eat again.  By then, it's typically around 0630 or 0700, so we get up after that feeding.  I know, I know, you REALLY wanted to know all those details, huh?!  My point in that, is that he is pretty good about going back to sleep after eating and doesn't usually stay up or fuss too much.  Plus, when he does get up to eat, he doesn't all out scream, he just makes some noises until I get up to feed him.  I mention this as a note of what L might hear if he sleeps in the babe's room.

SO, for all those who have babes who share a room, at what age did you start having them sleep in the same room?  How did you do the transition?  Was it a rough transition for your older child or did they learn quickly to sleep through "night noises"?  Any tips for helping them adjust to sleeping in the same room?  

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  1. I have 3 kids (ages 2, 5, 7 the middle one is a girl). When the youngest was a baby, he had his own room and the older two shared. They really only slept in it (an frankly still do). But now that the older one is getting older, I don't really want him sharing a room with his sister. But because of the layout of our new house, I was hesitant to have the littler ones further away so right now they're sharing. And like I said they really just sleep in it. (Well technically the youngest still wanders into my bed so the middle one pretty much has it to herself). But now we're expecting again so we'll have to reshuffle. This time the boys will be together and the babe with us til she has a regular sleep schedule.

    My decision for separating the older from the baby was that I didn't want their sleep affected since they were school age. But since your babes are younger it could work to have them share. It's all dependent on what you feel is a good fit :)



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