Sunday Laundry.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

{Disclaimer: If you don't want to know about/hear about/see baby poop, 
then I would suggest not reading this post.  Just sayin.}

I am doing laundry today.
Not that it's that big of a thing.  
I do laundry, what I feel like, ALL the time.
But I was definitely NOT planning on doing laundry today.
So why am I?

I'm so glad you asked.
I suppose I can share.

While L and I were eating our lunch, I noticed, or heard rather, that Z was pooping.
No big deal.
Babies poop all the time, right?!
So about 20 minutes later, after we had finished our lunch and I had gotten L all cleaned up, 
I picked Z up to go change his diaper.
I was heading for the stairs when I felt like warm and wet on my pant leg.
What in the world?!
I look down and notice that there is definite yellow baby poop droplets on my pants. 
And on my slippers.
What in the world?!
HOW in the world?!?!
I look down at Z and notice that there is yellow baby poo running down and OUT of his pants.
I mean, literally, RUNNING out of his pants.
I turn to make sure L is coming up with us,
(I am standing at the bottom of the stairs at this point)
and notice that there are yellow baby poop droplets all over the floor behind me!
You don't believe me?!  
Well, see for yourself --

 See!  I told you so!
Isn't that gross?!  
But of course, I am still holding Z, who has poop running out of his pant legs.
I gingerly try to wrap the pant leg around his leg, so no more will come out as we trek upstairs.
Mostly works, except that I get yellow baby poop all over my HANDS!
I know I'm a mama, but GROSS!!
And how in the world am I supposed to pick L up to carry her up with us now?!
(because you know that with just me and the kids, I have to carry them up at the same time)
I haul Z upstairs and then quickly run back down for L.
Get her upstairs and begin dealing with Z and the running poo mess.
I plop a cloth under the kid and take off his pants.
This is what I find --

And by now, he had waved his hands and gotten poo on his hands.
It was seriously ALL over.  

And let me tell you something.
I have smelled some nasty stuff in my years.
I mean, really, I have.
Livestock poo, human trash, Thailand sewage, you name it.
But today was the first day I have wished I had some sort of mask for diaper changing.
That stuff was the nastiest stuff EVER!
I might have gagged a little.
And that is saying a LOT.
I think my eyes watered.

I dealt with it.
Cleaned the poor kid up.
Poor kid?!
I'm sure he's feeling way better at this point!

Finish washing him off and get him dressed.
Change my nasty yellow pooped on pants.
Wash my slippers off.
Deal with the floor.
Wash my hands like 85 times.
Find my daughter sitting in a basket --

Get her in bed for her nap.
Take Z and the laundry back downstairs.
Because now I have to deal with the nasty pants (mine and his!).
On my way down, find this cutting board on my stairs.
What in the world?!

Maybe L was going to make me something delicious?!
On the stairs?!
Who knows.

So now, I am doing laundry.
On Sunday.
And baking cookies.
Because anybody that has a massive yellow poop explosion should get a cookie or two.

And have I mentioned how much I just miss my husband right now?!

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  1. Oy vey!! That's awful. Good thing blogs don't have smell-a-vision! You might lose readers!!

    But seriously, Mom of the Year Award for documenting it before clean-up. That's the kinda blogging the world needs more of.

    And cookies sound good. So do brownies. I might have to make something myself. Just nothing of the poo-colored variety!

  2. Ha ha! This post made me laugh and will surely help me persevere on those "challenging" mommy days!

  3. I give you mad props for cleaning that mess up. Bless your heart. You deserve the mom of the year award or something... 'Cause that... I think I might have died!!! I can handle lots of things, but that...I'm not sure. I think your hubby should have to do a week's worth of diapers just for missing that. LOL!!

    P.S. Would you like to do a blog swap (hosted by Wife on the Roller Coster) with a whole bunch of milspouses? Basically, she's going to match us all up and we'll invade each other's blogs for a day. =) Let me know!

  4. Oh, and if someone other than me has asked you already (or asks you after me) let me know! =)

  5. God, that is one of those moments that you just have to laugh at the world and love the babies you're blessed with.

    Oh, and use it against him when he's 16 and brings home a date. It's only fair!

  6. Hi Kaylee. . .I am back with an unrelated poop comment :) Random question, maybe, but do you design your own blog? I love your head and your clean style. You're hired if you are in the business?!

  7. Kristi - I DO design my own blog, but really only by trial & error and lots of googling for tips and tricks :) I have only ever worked on my own and am not in the business. I'd be happy to give you the tips that I know of, if you'd like! Do you have a blog?! I can't seem to find it!



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