Some Bloggy Business.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I have some blog business I have been meaning to attend to:

First, I got a little award, thanks to Newlywed and Deployed!
Thanks for thinking I have a lovely blog - that makes me smile!!

Second, I have been tagged by Kaylee (yep, another Kaylee - how cool is that?!) at Devil Dog Darling to answer some questions, so here goes:

1. What is your favorite thing about being a woman?
I love being able to carry babies during pregnancy - I think it's amazing how God made our bodies to hold a growing human being in them!

2. Do you like rainy days or snowy wintery days more?
DEFINITELY love me a good snowy, wintery day! Curl up in front of the fireplace, book in hand and sip some hot chocolate while watching the snow fall down - such a peaceful feeling!

3. What's your favorite book and why?
Hmmm. I know it might sound cliche, but my ultimate favorite book is the Bible. Awesome stories, great history, profound wisdom, amazing lessons, beautiful perspective.

4. What's the first thing you notice about people when you meet them?
If they are walking towards me? How they walk with their feet - on their toes, heels, etc. If not walking, then usually their eyes.

5. Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?
I LOVE taking pictures, but I also enjoy having pictures taken, simply to preserve memories. So both? Is that allowed??

6. If you could own a non-traditional pet, what would it be?
A giraffe. Hands down.

7. Can you change a tire on your car? Have you ever?
Yes, I know how to change a tire on my car. No, I have never had to do so.

8. If you could anyone any gift in the world, to whom would it go and what would it be?
This is a thought-provoking question! Off the top of my head and this might be sappy, but I'm tired, hormonal and just miss my husband - I would give my man the gift of not having had to miss the first year of his daughter's life - to be able to experience each thing she did/said/experienced. Yep, that gift (if it were possible) would make me happy.

Third, Kaylee (Devil Dog Darling) ALSO bestowed the "Lovely Blog Award" to me. Thanks Kaylee - that's sweet of you!!

Fourth, I was also tagged by Mel at Head in the Game. Heart in the Sand to answer a few questions. Here they are:

1. What's your typical sickness ritual?
Sleep. Lots of water, juice, tea, etc. Sleep. More sleep. Turn on a movie. Sleep. Lay in bed for hours on end. And sleep.

2. What's your favorite lazy/rainy day movie?
Either Chocolat or Wild Hearts can't be Broken or Pride & Prejudice (the newest version).

3. What do you consider to be the most relaxing outdoor activity?
Does swinging count as activity? Definitely swinging. On swingsets. Swing chairs. Hammocks. Any type of swing - I LOVE!

4. Do you play board games? What's your favorite?
Heck YES I play board games. I like a lot. But my current (and maybe close to all-time) favorite is definitely backgammon (Shout out to my B-gammon buddy - you know who you are!!!!)

Hope that gives y'all a little more insight into my life! I know I'm supposed to pass along the award AND a set of questions, but I am going to be a bum and not do so. I love ALL the blogs I read/follow and think all of the women that write them are quite LOVELY!!

Last but not least, I am contemplating some blog changes in the next few weeks - maybe a new background, a new header, a wider post section?! I am just feeling the need for some change :)

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  1. Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken - - We are SOOOO meant to be friends. :)

  2. I love pride and prejudice! And he gift you would give is so sweet :) thanks for playing.



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