35 weeks preggo.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ok, so I know I've had the same purple shirt on in the last few weeks of preggo pictures. I promise I own other articles of clothing (although to be fair, I've been wearing most of the same clothes for over a year now...and am getting tired of the same old, same old...).

And second, yes I know the photo is a bit fuzzy, but I liked it, ok?!

I am 35 weeks pregnant today. And I feel as though I have a dancing hippopotamus in my belly! I am CONVINCED that he is a tank of a little man, but who knows - only a few more weeks and we'll find out how big he is!

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  1. Your belly is soooo cute and beautiful! You certainly have that pregnancy glow!

  2. I absolutely love how big your belly is!! You're so cute!!! =)

  3. You are all belly lady!!! Looking good!

  4. You are sooo pregnant! :) I can't wait to get that little bugger out of you and see what he looks like. :)



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