11-months old/7 months down!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My sweet little girl!

Playing in the pile of pillows on the guest room bed - she LOVES to cuddle in them!

Climbing up the stairs... a multiple-times-a-day adventure!

Pushing her "bug"-walker. She does this more and more on her own!

It's hard to believe that L is 11-months old today - mostly because that means that turning 1 is just around the corner! Do I have an almost 1-year old already?! Wow!

L is a busy little girl - always on the go, exploring, investigating, trying to climb on things. She LOVES to read books (her current favorite is 'Is Your Mama a Llama' - I think we read that at least 15 times a day!), take baths (or be in any form of water), make noise (whether that be banging on things like a drum or "meowing" like a kitty), eat her meals (she pretty much eats all the same food we do, unless it's too hard or crunchy for her), and play (she loves peek-a-boo and have someone "chase" her). L is spoiled rotten by her grandparents, great-grandma, uncle and aunties - seriously, I don't know what I am going to do when we move out and they aren't here all the time to spoil her so much - she is going to miss them when we move!

She is always making us laugh, whether it's from doing something silly, like showing off her dance moves, or testing her limits (which we TRY our best NOT to laugh, so we don't encourage behavior that's not appropriate) by flinging food off her tray. L also loves to point at things and people. She learned how to wave bye-bye a couple months ago. She started off waving backwards, at herself, but has slowly gotten better and waves AT people. She also knows how to give smooches (open-mouth ones, at that), eskimo kisses and blow kisses goodnight. We have also been working on body parts - she can identify someone's nose by pointing to it, and in some of her books, can show us a character's eyes. We are working on mouth, tongue and ears as well.

It really does amaze me that she is already 11-months old! And that in one month, she will be a 1-year old. AND that I will have a newborn around that time as well! CRAZY!!!

Today also means that we are 7-months done with this deployment! Hooray! Time is moving right along.

Max is doing well. All I can say is that he seriously has a brain like a sponge. Hearing him talk about stuff that he's learned - so much of it goes over my head! It's been such a blessing to have had a chance to skype with him this past week - definitely does my heart good!

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  1. Hi Kaylee! I love reading your blog! Congratulations on being 7 months through and your little girl is adorable! I left you an award over at my blog! I hope you will accept it! :)

  2. She is so stinkin cute!

    I tagged you with some questions on my page today, hope you enjoy them.



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