Suckers and Bday Festivities.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I mentioned yesterday that one of my best friend's birthdays was this week. And that I had some photos from her celebration. So I wanted to share. We had a great time going out to a really cool rooftop bar (It felt kinda classy to me, although also very homey - we sat on these little "button" stools and ate off a bench, ha ha! That makes it sounds ridiculous, but it was super cool, plus it overlooked the city, so that was a definite bonus sight!) with a bunch of friends. Then I (being the DD - I guess being preggo makes that pretty easy, ha!), took the birthday girl and another good friend to one more venue. They enjoyed themselves, we got to hear the bday girl's coworker sing and I managed to get them home safe and sound to their beds. It was a late night for me (remember...I got home and my dear daughter was STILL up with my dad at 0200 in the morning?!) and I was one tired mama yesterday, but it was worth it, to be able to celebrate a birthday!

Birthday girl on the right. Aren't they beautiful ladies?!

The 5 of us girls have been friends since High School (right about 10 years - wow!!!) and this was the first time we had all been together in like two years - so fun!

We are definitely goofy together. Love our faces!

Yet another (we had to document us all together) with the city skyline over my right shoulder!!!

{Don't kill me Aimee} The birthday girl. With a sweet drink topper thing she got.

This was our view. Stellar.

At our 2nd location. Love these girls.

So all 5 of the girls (plus a few more of my dear friends) are considered L's aunties, since Max and I have zero sisters and no current SIL's. We were hanging out and the aunties decided it would be a good time to give L a sucker (oh the horror, says Mama!). She was quite in love with that thing and would keep yanking it out of Auntie Alissa's mouth. It made us laugh.

Loving that sucker.

Remind me to never leave her for extended periods of time with her Auntie's :) Just kidding!!

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  1. She's so cute with that sucker...silly Aunties. My sister is going to have a field day with all the evil things she'll teach my kids behind my back. It's just another challenge of parenting, I presume. :)

    Looks like you had fun with your friends. It's so important to get out and do that!



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