Friday photo update.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Whew! I feel like this week has flown by! And I have so many new pictures to share (and more to come!!!). I'm sure it might get old, just seeing pictures of L's face, but she does so many new and exciting things and I know there are family and friends out there that are always wanting more!

What have we been up to?! Oh gosh, I have the hardest time remembering what I did yesterday, let alone earlier this week! I blame the "preggo brain" - you know, the one that sucks the smarts out of your brain and makes you always feel like a ditz?! Yeah, that's me, the preggo ditz. I have been saying and asking the stupidest things lately. But again, I suppose I've always been notorious for that (right Aimee?!)!!!

I've been getting a lot of little things done - finishing birthday gifts/cards, finding wedding presents, washing multiple loads of diapers (yay for getting 12 more and now only having to wash every 2 days!!!! I love it!), hounding the housing office on our application status, working on photos, etc. We've done some fun stuff too - lots of morning walks and yoga sessions (well, at least the little blueberry man and I do the yoga while L's taking her morning nap!), hung out with some seriously awesome friends, eating lots and lots of watermelon (it's L's absolute favorite right now!), and doing some shopping (mostly window shopping right now, which I LOVE doing!).

Last night, L's babu (my dad) watched her while I went out to celebrate one of my best friend's birthdays (pictures to come soon!!!). L has this idea that when her babu watches her, that she can totally play him. And she did. I came home super late (or early you could say) around 0200 in the morning, totally expecting L and my dad to be LONG asleep. Nope. She was awake. I was flabbergasted. She wouldn't take her bottle from him and totally got him to keep getting up and holding her (she NEVER does this with me!!), so they were up watching news at 0200. Bwa ha ha! I felt terrible that my dad lost so much sleep to be on L duty, but we have had some good laughs at how she played him. Silly girl.

Tomorrow holds potential promise of a trip to the Farmer's Market (woot-woot!!), which I am stoked for. Only other news is that my pregnancy heartburn hit me full force this week. Pretty much after any meal I've eaten, I will get a severe case of heartburn. It's terrible. I remember it from last year, but it just came on so suddenly. One day I wasn't experiencing any, the next, it was there. Boo. I hate you, heartburn, go away!!!

Here are some photos that have been shot over the last week or so. Enjoy!

She loves to pull herself up on things. And has also gotten pretty good at sitting back down on her own.

The cat, trying to "hide" under L's floor playmat. L likes to try to crawl over the cat while she's under it. I just laugh as the cat meows angrily and slinks away.

Eating beets and being silly.

Red fingers.

L and Grandma Judy.

L playing with Babu through the door.

Reading before bed.

Getting so sleepy that she kept throwing herself down on the floor with her blanket. Don't mind her huge cloth diaper booty :)

"Yes Mama, of course this is how you "read" books."

She's been doing this weird thing where she throws back her head. I caught her in the midst of it one day. She just does silly things to make me laugh. And is so proud when I DO laugh :)

She loves to be upside down. She is playing with her Auntie Alissa here - she kept throwing herself backwards to be upside down. We were wondering how she could keep doing it without getting dizzy! But she loves it.

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  1. AWESOME pictures! And that's too funny that she played your dad!

  2. Obviously she's clever like her mom. And of course, always gorgeous!

  3. She's such a cutie. :) looks like she'll always get what she wants from your dad!

  4. L is so cute! I love the first pic and the one with the bunny book!! :)



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