miscellaneous military-blog-related stuff

Thursday, June 10, 2010

there are three things that i have been meaning to make mention of for the past few weeks and i figured it was high time i finally got myself in gear. they are all military-blog related, so for all my non-military readers, i'm sorry - although a few of them may still have some good info for you too - if you want to learn more about military related issues or what it's like for military spouses - so don't get your panties in a bundle too quickly.

first of all, the ask the milies website launched today. it was started by two lovely military wives, as a resource for fellow military wives/fiances/girlfriends to utilize in order to gain advice and perspective on all things military. so, if you have a question, big or small, go here to find out how to submit it for an answer.

secondly, household 6 diva started a military spouse blogging community - a space created for military spouse bloggers, in order to connect, share ideas and relate through experiences. the military spouse blogging community is set up as a link-list, where you can add your blog and find others to follow. she simply asks that you add the military spouse blogger button to your page and link up to the list via a comment on the military spouse blogging community page. go check it out if you are interested.


last, i happened to find out that blessing at musings of an army wife just started a military spouse spotlight, which i thought was really sweet. every week, she'll feature a different military spouse, in order to get to know her, celebrate who she is and recognize both her and her husband's service to our country. so if you are interested in being featured, hop over to her blog and check it out. and be sure to watch for her weekly feature of military spouse spotlight!
so there you have it - three military-blog-related adventures to go check out.

as my husband would say, "out" :)

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