23 weeks preggo.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Today, I am 23 weeks preggo. Little blueberry man is a-growing. I am a slacker and didn't charge my camera battery, so y'all will have to wait until tomorrow (or Thursday, since tomorrow is Wedding Wednesday!) to see the extent of my belly growth. I definitely notice that I am bigger at this point in my pregnancy than I was at this point in my pregnancy with L - but that is to be expected with consecutive babies - my belly knows what it's like to expand and the skin has already stretched out once. I have been pretty tired lately, but part of that is my fault in not getting enough sleep. If I had it my way, I would totally try to get 9ish hours of sleep every night - that is what my body would LOVE! But because L wakes up between 0615 and 0630, and I normally don't get to sleep until after 1100 at night, I usually lack in the sleep department. But after getting super tired a few days ago, I made a goal to get to sleep earlier this week. So far, I've done well and have been sleeping around 1000 every night. I can already tell the difference - it's not quite so hard to drag myself out of bed each day.

Other than being super tired, I feel good. Except for the stupid abscesses. Bleh. I'll spare you the details, but they are not gone. And I am getting tired of them. Especially since no one has been able to tell me what exactly they are or why I get them - which means there is nothing really that I can do to prevent them or deal with them, except to go get them drained, which is not fun. Oh well. I am doing all that I think I can be doing to deal with them, so maybe they'll stop soon?!

Cheese. It's still my craving. Any form. Cheddar. Mozzarella. Feta. In any way. Nachos. In scrambled eggs. Quesadillas. Caprese Salad. I just love cheese in all it's delicious (and usually melted) glory. And I've also been going nuts for olives. I love olives anyways, but lately I can't get enough. Black olives are great, but you know what are better? Green stuffed with yummy things. We have had green olives stuffed with jalapenos in the house and I've had one every day - oh man, they are so good! And of course, I crave dessert, particularly ice cream. But I've stuck true to my goal of less sugar and have had one dessert so far this week - I made homemade vanilla ice cream and it was delicious! So now, I must wait until Sunday to have more dessert/sweets/sugary goodness. I am already contemplating what my one dessert will be, although I know it will be more homemade ice cream. The only question left is what flavor?!

I have been feeling the little blueberry man moving like crazy lately. I think he is doing dance movements or something. And I have been able to see my stomach moving lately as he dances around! It's so amazing to think that there is a little human being growing in my belly! It's such a miracle being pregnant and growing a baby!

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  1. Haha the thought of your stomach moving around because of a dancing baby makes me laugh out loud! And I think you should make strawberry ice cream. Yummy. :)

  2. Oooh, I second Kelsey's vote for strawberry ice cream. My grandmother and I used to make homemade ice cream every year for our birthdays since they were about 2 weeks apart.

    I'm sorry you're still having abscess issues. That really sucks. Hopefully they will subside and you can move on in the pregnancy.

  3. Everything you are craving is everything I want to eat. mmmm cheeeeeese

  4. Oh man -- the whole cheese thing. I was watching Man v. Food last night and holy crap. He went to this place called "Melt" where their food challenge is a giant grilled cheese sandwich. It had american, provolone, gouda, havarti, cheddar, feta, blue + goat cheese, swiss, pepper jack, and I think I'm forgetting some. With the colonoscopy prep I'm going (and thus restricted to clear liquids only) I was about ready to crawl through my tv and take a bite!

  5. You should try olives stuffed with garlic cloves mmmmm most italian delis have them mmmmm gee, I wonder what I'll be picking up later today lol :)



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