
Thursday, April 29, 2010

L and i had our first ever playdate this week. it was a lot of fun. my good friend, sarah, who i met in college, had a baby girl the day i was due. so L and paige are only 11 days apart, which is fun. we got together, swapped baby stories and let the girls "play". they weren't terribly interested in each other, but did like to touch each other. L wanted to touch paige's hair. and paige has a thing for feet! too cute! thanks sarah, for having us all over!

only bummer is that L picked up paige's cold. apparently we weren't invincible to the germs that day! oh well. it's her first time being sick (glad to get that out of the way, actually!). she just has a super runny nose and a little cough (actually, she coughs really loudly and we all kinda laugh at her!), but other than that, she is super happy and smiley. she just sleeps a little more during the day. last night was a little rough, just because i had to get up multiple times to wipe the snot off her face. and of course she insisted on wanting her pacifier, so that didn't help the not being able to breathe out of her nose! but she actually slept most of the night and has taken some good naps already today. i'm just hoping this clears up quickly. we have an echocardiogram to check on her heart murmur in a week and a half. and they have to sedate her (i guess they sedate all babies 3 months to 3 years) so that she will lay super still while they do the test. and that means that she has to be all healthy and golden by then. we have a physical, which is in one week, to make sure she is healthy. so she's got one week (and i sure hope it doesn't take that long)!!!!

checking each other out.

sharing toys. or stealing. whichever you want to imagine!!

sarah, paige, L and i.

L just wanted to touch her hair. and paige liked L's feet and hands.

aw. holding hands.

this one just cracks me up for some reason. funny girls.

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  1. Hey! I stumbled upon your blog through a link on someone else's blog :) I live in Sweden, but I have an American husband and we are planning on moving back to New York next year.
    You have a very cute daughter and now I understand you are pregnant again. Wow! My daughter is 2 now and I am not sure I am ready for a second one. Well, I am not sure my HUSBAND is :) I am trying to persuade him at the moment. Well, Good luck and I will definitely come back!



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