where is the baby?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

41 weeks, 1 day. no signs of baby emerging as of yet. dr appt yesterday. the little one is doing great...has a solid, steady, consistent heartbeat...passed a nonstress test with flying colors...is moving plenty...and i am feeling wonderful. so there is no need for induction as of yet. i have another dr appt in 5 days and at that point, if the baby hasn't come, we will talk about induction. crazy! i am still anxious for her to make her appearance, but am much calmer now that max has been home - the pressure to have her before he came was stressing me out! but i know there is nothing i can do to convince her out, she'll come when she's good and ready! and hopefully that good and ready is soon! AND, we found out that max might be able to get a few days off to come home again in the next few weeks to meet her! we didn't think that was an option until two days ago, and let me tell you, we are both excited! if he isn't able to come home within the next few weeks, we would have to wait until i could fly to visit him with the baby, and that wouldn't be for over a month...and we both want him to be able to meet his little one! so that was excellent news! we'll just keep trusting jesus that he knows what is best for us and that his plans are so much better and bigger than our own!

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