maybe she was waiting for the snow?

Monday, October 12, 2009

still no signs of baby emerging. five days past her due date. it's kinda hilarious now when people ask when i am due to have her. i tell them it was five days ago, their eyes get real big and they look at me like i might burst at any moment. i think it freaks people out, ha! max was able to come home this past weekend and it was amazing to have him home for those two days, although i think we were both a bit disappointed that the baby decided to not come out. just means it'll be a while until he gets to meet his little girl face-to-face. which is hard for both of us, but jesus knows what's best for us and we are trusting in his sovereign plans for us and for this little one.

it's crazy! it is october 12 and there is 2-3 inches of snow on the ground! a bit early for that much snowfall, i would think, but it's quite lovely! and it just keeps coming down. maybe the little one was waiting for the snow to fall before she made her appearance? we'll see. my grandpa norm's birthday is october 14, so there are a few people hoping she is born that day. it would be neat!

kyle had his surgery last week and it went very well. he is coming home today, which is exciting! we are glad to have him back, rather than in the hospital and are hoping that it'll help his recovery along at a faster rate! he claims that now that he is home, the baby will come now. apparently, he thinks she has been waiting for him to get home to come out! maybe it's would be nice to be her one of these days :)

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