39 weeks and anxiously waiting...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

today i am precisely 39 weeks along. that means i have one more week until the d-day...october 7th...although the kind dr continues to remind me that i have a two-week window on either end of the due date that the little one could decide to make her debut! i am getting very anxious for her to make her appearance! i am just excited to see her little face, to feel her little hands and feet outside of me, and to get to know who she is! but...she is supposed to wait, says bibi (that would be my mother, it's the swahili name for grandma), as my parents are in mexico city for work this week. it'll be a bit of a crazy next few weeks, with the wee one's arrival, kyle having major surgery a week from tomorrow and max coming home a week from friday (woot-woot!). everyone is on alert this week with my parents being gone. who knows when she'll come? we have everything we need for her, that we can think of. i don't know if i'll ever be really ready for her to come. it's super surreal. i've been carrying her for nine months now and experienced the incredible excitement as she grows in my belly...but to have her out...i dunno if i'll (we'll) ever be ready for that. it'll be a huge change, a momentous occasion in our lives. we are eager, anxious, scared out of our minds and just trying to trust jesus...that he knows best and will give us the strength that only he can provide. and so...we wait....

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