The little things this morning.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

This morning was not one of my more stellar mornings.  Maybe it was because I was up at 3am rocking a fussy baby with a double-ear infection.  Maybe it was because daylight savings time has effectively sabotaged my usual morning routine.  Maybe it was because said double ear infection seems to have awakened a very angry baby dinosaur in the body of Evie.  Or maybe it was because Ezra would not listen to my constant reminders to be kind and gentle with his sisters.  It was as if the combination of these things turned this mama into a grumpy, growly bear.  Not something I am proud to admit, let me tell you.  

There I was, grouchy and short-tempered at my energy-filled toddlers, and my fussy baby girl.  And in the heat of a not-very-kind moment, I quickly saw that my reactions and responses were getting all of us nowhere fast, and I knew I needed to hit the restart button on our morning.  
 Out came the mixing bowl and measuring cups.  We found a recipe for pumpkin oatmeal muffins and started throwing ingredients in the bowl.  All the while, I prayed for patience and new eyes - to see the little, precious things right in front of me - for the blessings that they are, instead of the challenges I was allowing them to be.
My perspective needed a good refresh, that's for sure.  
 Our pumpkin oatmeal muffins turned out really delicious!
Evie, who most of the morning continued to resemble an angry baby dinosaur, was at least happy and somewhat content for a few minutes while she ate her breakfast.  
 A bright spot on the table.  I had some empty jars (from pickles and PB!) that I spray-painted black a few weeks ago.  I put some cute washi tape around the outside, and planted a few succulents inside.  They make me smile - now, if only I can manage to keep them alive….
 After breakfast, we decided on a movie - The Incredibles.  Evie went upstairs for a nap, and L & Z got to rest on the couch, while I cleaned up and got laundry going.  So thankful for that little bit of rest and quiet this morning!
 Today is a day for sweatshirts and comfy pants.  We have nowhere to go and nothing huge to do.  Evie needs to rest, and I want to enjoy this day with my kids - I have a feeling we'll find our way outside at some point, or pull out the new markers, or maybe even play the new Sneaky Snacky Squirrel game Ezra got for his birthday!
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26 
That verse was brought to my attention again last week and it's been heavy on my heart the last few days. I've needed it on repeat in my head, that's for sure.  So thankful for Jesus and His Truth, and for hot coffee :)

My morning hasn't dramatically changed - I still have energy-filled toddlers and a fussy baby - but taking the time to think on the little things that I am thankful for, that bless my everyday moments, has helped me change my perspective, and allowed me to see the beauty in the ordinary moments.  I have a feeling I may need to hit the restart button multiple times today, and that's just fine - so long as I remember to stop and see the little blessings that are right in front of me.  

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  1. Hugs friend!! :) Hopefully your rough day gets better. I agree that it's a comfy pants and sweatshirt kind of day.

  2. I feel myself trying to restart a lot lately. This was much needed for me!

  3. Thank you for this post! I too have needed to hit the re-start button many times. Praying that you have a better day tomorrow and that little Evie feels better soon!

  4. So happy you were able to refocus. I know it doesn't undo the grumpy, but it puts a fresh perspective on things. Good job moma!

  5. We've had to hit the re-start button a lot the last few days. I think the time change has just really thrown the kids off. Hope sweet Evie feels better soon!

  6. I'm glad you were able to refresh and see things anew. It's not always the easiest thing to do when feeling overwhelmed or surrounded by needing children. I hope tomorrow is a better day for all--especially that sick baby :/

  7. I love the plants in the washi tape jars - very cute!

    Micah was sick this past weekend too, and wow, it was hard! I saw a lot of ugly in me as Mardo and I took turns trying to console him all night long. Thank you for the encouragement to hit the restart button and keep looking for the little blessings.

    I hope everyone is healthy again at your house!

  8. This is awesome. You know I'm right there with you on the needing to start over again and again, sometimes during the same day. I need to write out that verse, too.

    Love the succulents! So pretty.



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