
12 in 2012. March Edition.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

{Image by Dani @ Hard Corps Love}

It's that time of the month again (a day late...) - time to take a good look at my goals for 2012 and see how I am doing.  Is it really already March?  It's already spring?  I feel like summer is going to be here before we know it!  Gosh, time seems to fly by sometimes - it's unbelievable sometimes.  I think I need to keep working on intentionality, in making the time to appreciate the little things that happen on a daily basis - because if I don't, I am going to blink, and have babies who are no longer babies.  And as much work as they are right now, I know I will look back and miss this age and season so much.  Anyways, on to the goal accountability:

1. Community Living: We have not made any type of movement with this goal.  I don't think we've even talked about it.  So that's my small goal this next month - to have some conversations about how we can get more involved in some kind of community.  

2. Weight Loss: This is sort of at a stand still, as I am not trying to lose tons of weight right now, being pregnant.  I have still been trying to eat healthy and workout 4-5 times a week, so I haven't gained any weight back.  And I know that working out helps me have more energy, sleep better, feel better about myself, and will aid in labor (oh gosh, I don't know if I am even ready to think about that yet...). But the majority of the weight loss will have to happen after Baby #3 enters the world.

3. Read 15 books: I am doing great with this goal.  I am still working on 1000 Gifts and Crazy Love - yeah, I really need to sit down and get through them at this point!  And I started a Karen Kingsbury series and just finished the third book, Found, and am waiting to pick the fourth up at the library.  I breeze through these books - they are easy and I can "shut my brain off" and just get lost in the book.  I am excited to finish the series and start another of Kingsbury's series that is a continuation of this one!

4. Manual photography skills: I've been messing around more and more, taking pictures on the manual setting, and I am really enjoying it.  I think it's time I found some short tutorials online, to help direct me and lend some more knowledge, as I keep practicing.  Know of any good ones?  And, I just need to keep pulling out my camera and snapping away - that's the biggest part of it!

5. Outside walks/playtime: With the weather warming up and the sun shining a bit more, we've been making more time to hang out outdoors.  Plus, with the time change, we have been able to start taking walks as a family after dinner again, and it's been awesome.  I love that we can spend time as a family, chatting about our days/whatever comes to mind, we get to move our bodies, and Lucy gets a chance to wear herself out.  

6. Creative and structured toddler activities: I need more motivation with this goal.  You would think that with the crazy amount of resources online, that I would have initiated some new activities, but I haven't.  We've been sticking with coloring and play-doh lately.  I need to come up a new activity this month - something fresh and fun - any good suggestions??

7. Journal: I am a fairly inconsistent journal keeper.  Some weeks, it's most days that I pull it out, and other weeks, it's hardly any days at all.  I don't mind though - it's a great way for me to process and debrief what is going on in my head.  When there is a lot going on in my brain, I usually like writing, as it helps me sort through things.  

8. Date night: We had a date night in February - we went to local coffee shop and then out to eat at a delicious seafood restaurant, right on the water.  It was a fun night, and we had a great time.  We have a date night planned for this week and have been excitedly talking about what we are going to do!

9. Grow a garden: As the weather continues to get warmer and warmer, I keep dreaming of the garden more and more.  I think we are going to head to Lowe's this weekend, to check out flowers/seeds/mulch/etc and get some work done in our front flowerbed.  I am excited to start planting seeds (herbs and a few veggies) and to pick out some flowers to plant!  I can't wait to see them growing!

10. Be Still and Know: I will be honest and say that I do not make as much time as I would like.  I need to be much more intentional about my time, and about making time to sit and be quiet before the Lord.  I know that I need this time, and that a lot of the stress in my head lately has been because I have been neglecting this time.  I need to make this happen more.

11. Craft time: The motivation for craft time has not been there.  Therefore, there has been next to no craft time.  And strangely, I am ok with that for right now.  I have some other household projects I have been trying to wade through, so once I complete those, I think I will find more motivation to craft away.

12. Baby #3: The little wee babe is cooking away.  I am 13 weeks on Thursday, and feeling pretty good.  Tired, nauseous a lot, having strange food cravings/aversions.  The usual, you know.  I think we eat caesar salad almost every day.  I love it that much right now.  And I can hardly stand the smell of coffee and drinking it - which is so strange for me!  

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  1. Your goals are great! Inspiring! :)
    One activity that my kids loves and was so simple was building blocks. Not like Legos, but plain wooden blocks in different sizes and shapes. They would build castles and mazes for hours (yes, hours!) and drive toy cars on them and build houses for stuffed animals. At 7 and 5 they still play with those blocks a few times a week. Best investment ever!
    Glad that things are going well with Baby #3! That is so exciting!

  2. We're going to grow a garden soon! I read that the best time to start planting tomatoes and stuff is April 1, so that's my deadline. We already found planters we like. Just have to get all the stuff for them.



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