
12 in 2012. February Edition.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

{Image by Dani @ Hard Corps Love}

I almost feel like it was just yesterday that I was introducing my 12 in 2012 goals and sharing about the first few weeks of January - and yet, it is February and we are already 6 weeks into a new year!  I must say I have not been (if you haven't been able to tell by the state of my blog, ha ha!), very motivated lately and have not been very productive on many of my goals.  I have lots of room for improvement, that's for sure! 

1. Community Living: Aside from hanging out with the friends we usually hang out with, we have not made any progress or steps in this goal.  Now that Max is back from his field exercise, I'd like to sit down and talk about some ways we could work on this goal together.

2. Weight Loss: Last week, I posted about my 30 Day Shred results, which were huge in helping me along with my weight loss goals.  I've had to modify my weight loss goals for the year, but I've still been working out every day, as well as continuing to make healthy eating choices.  I notice that not only do I feel physically better, but working out everyday and eating well helps boost my confidence levels a LOT as well!  

3.  Read 15 books: I went to the library when Max left a few weeks ago, and have to be honest and say that I have not picked up the books I brought home.  I guess I didn't end up getting ones that really interested me?!  Those books are due tomorrow, so I'll find some new ones and want to get through a few in the next couple of weeks.  I am also still working on 1000 Gifts and Crazy Love.

4. Manual Photography Skills: Remember when I mentioned that I took next to zero pictures when my parents were here visiting?  Yeah, that's how my photo skills are coming along too...I just need to pick up that camera and snap away...

5. Outside walks/playtime: The results of this goal really vary depending on the weather.  I am not very motivated to get outside when it is gray or dark or super windy, which are pretty lame excuses, because we all (especially that crazy dog of ours) can still benefit from the fresh air in our lungs.  The days that are sunny and warm, we are outside walking and going to the dog park, or playing on our trike/push-car.  I need to make more of an effort to get out when it's not so nice out.

6. Creative and structured toddler activities: The most we've been doing with this is coloring/sticker books/play-doh and sorting odd-and-end toys into buckets.  I think what would help me is to make a list of fun toddler activities and post it on my fridge, so it's something that grabs my attention on a daily basis and is easy to implement.

7.  Journal: I posted about following Laura @ Along for the Ride as she provided journaling through January prompts.  I admit that I followed along for the first few weeks and then began losing focus with the prompts.  I realized that, although I really enjoyed the questions Laura provided, I like to open my journal and just write whatever is in my brain.  So I started doing just that.  And I have been journaling almost every night before I turn out the light - it's been a great way to process just a little bit of what goes on in my brain and have a space to get my thoughts out.

8.  Date night: We did not go on a date night in January.  Does that mean we get 2 date nights this month?!  We are hoping to go on one in the next week or so - maybe even during the day so we can hit up some thrift stores, sans kids!

9.  Grow a garden: Haven't spent any time on this, but I have a feeling this will end up being more of a spring/summer goal!

10.  Be Still and Know: I've been making more time each day (usually right after I journal at night) to sit and pray and read a little chunk of the Bible.  It's been good.  I know that it was easy to do at night when Max was gone, but it will take a bit more intentionality to do now that he is home...but he likes to read before bed too, so I think we can make that time happen.

11. Craft time: I have not had much craft time, other than the time spent working on the kids room and artwork.  I have a few projects on my list to do, so I just need to make time (and find the motivation!) to work on them.

12. Baby #3: Let's just say...this is a work in progress :)

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  1. I'm glad you posted your update, it reminded me that I need to do mine! I think it's hard to be motivated in February. The excitement of the New Year had worn off and February is cold or dreary (at least it is here!). I need some sunshine to get motivated again! And yay for the last goal :)

  2. How are you liking the book Crazy Love?



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