
"Big girl" beds and giant giraffes.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

We have been doing some room rearranging and redecorating, and switched the kid's room with the guest room.  We decided that it was an opportune time to transition L out of her crib and into a "big girl" bed.  She has done SO well.  She stays in bed all night and during naptimes, and only gets out once we come to get her and Ezra up.  She hasn't fallen out yet either, which is good!  We are loving the owl bedding, courtesy of Auntie Aimee - seriously, L LOVES it, and is constantly showing me the owl or the owl's beak or the porcupine.  It's super cute and we love the colors!
Hanging out in the kid's "new" room - Ms. Sophie the kitty (who is loving being able to sleep with L, now that she is in a "big girl" bed!), mama, and our little Ezzy.  The room has been switched, but the decorating is still in-progress.  As soon as I adorn the walls with all the lovely ideas that are floating around in my head, I will share more photos of the entire room!
 Have you met George the giraffe yet?  Or, as Max likes to call him, Jorge the giraffe.  It was an Easter present from daddy last year - he found it for real cheap from someone he knew, so the very large, stuffed giraffe now resides in our house.  He is HUGE!  And scary!  And can be totally creepy in the middle of the night when you are half-asleep and run into it - I have quite the collection of stories...certain husbands think it's funny to move George around before bed and "hide" him in new places, so I can be traumatized scared in the middle of the night!  But the kids love him, and now that we switched rooms, George the giraffe can finally be in their room.

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  1. so much fun! The bedding looks great! Aimee is such a good !auntie!

  2. I am all for Giraffes, but that thing is like a life sized baby giraffe. CRAZY big.

  3. I love love the bedding, where is it from? That giraffe is so funny, but so great for the kids :)

  4. Love the bedding!
    I laughed out loud at Jorge. ha ha. And I can totally see how in the middle of the night he'd freak you out, heck, I get scared when the vacuum is in the hallway!

  5. That bedding is super cute. I personally love the giraffe... one of my favorite animals!

  6. Love!!! And the giraffe would scare the crap out of me too in the middle of the noght

  7. So cute! I love the giraffe, although it would freak me out a bit at night. :) The bedding is so sweet.



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