
Afternoon at the dog park.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

We spent much of the day yesterday in the car, to and from Chapel Hill, taking Ezra for a follow-up Doc visit at the burn center.  It felt like a LONG day!  Because his appointment was in the morning, we left the house at 0545 and that put us back home late afternoon.  We all piled out of the car and I knew we needed to spend some time outside, running off steam and breathing in some fresh air!  So, we headed to the dog park, where we got to unwind and watch Lucy run around like a crazy, making goofy faces....
I love my babes.
 Oh, the eyes.
His hand is looking so much better and is healing very nicely.  They instructed us to stop the bandaging (just as we were perfecting it!!!), and instead do lotion massages and bacitracin dabs.  He also has to wear a little glove during the day, to keep swelling down.  We have our exercises that we need to do everyday with him.  We will go back in a month for another follow-up.  Oh yeah, and they cut off his fingernail that had originally been bent up - which I was so glad about, cause that thing was grossing me out big time!!
 I think she needs a haircut, ha ha :)
"Look, mama, there's something stuck on my finger..."
Trying to get Lucy to play with her!

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  1. Oh his little hand... Looks so much better! L's hair is so cute. I saw the most adorable flower clip on a little girl yesterday. Makes me want a girlie!

  2. I love seeing your photos :) You do such a great job!

  3. Those are awesome pictures!
    I gave you a Liebster Blog Award..
    I'm a new follower and loving your blog!


  4. So sweet. Looks like a lovely afternoon.
    I'm glad Z's hand is improving! And that close up of his eyes is breathtaking-so gorgeous.



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