
11 in 2011. August Edition.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

{Image made by Dani @ Hard Corps Love}

Here we are, August 2011.  
It's time, once again, to take a look at my 11 in 2011 goals.
Ready, set, GO!

1. Read 12 new books:  Not going well. I can't seem to find the time to read. Ever. Boo!

2. Try 2 new recipes (a month): Awesome possum.  I still LOVE trying new recipes.  Homemade pizza, snack cake, apple crostata, Creamy Crockpot Chicken, you name it.  Mmmm.

3. Lose the "baby house" weight: I don't even want to comment on how not-good this one is going.  I weigh more now than I did when Max came home in February.  Hello emotional eating.  I need to address this one big time...

4.  Read (at least) one chapter in the Bible every day: Honestly?  This one has not been done.  And I know it's affecting me more than I care to think about.  I need time in the Word, daily.  I need time with God.  I know that.  And yet, I have a hard time carving out that time every day.  

5.  Tell my babes I love them every.single.day: Golden.

6. Grow something green: I am happy to say that my herbs and flowers are doing great - ok, other than the ones that died while we were in MN...somebody (aka, my husband...) didn't water them well and I came home to a few shriveled up plants...but for the most part, they all made it and are doing great.  OH!  We even have a few peppers growing on our pepper plant - I can't wait to eat them!!!

7.  Get outside and walk every day: Every night, after dinner, we pack up the babes, leash up Lucy and take off for a nice family stroll around the neighborhood.  It's lovely.  

8.  Use less. Conserve more: Does it count that we are making plans to re-use all our baby food jars?  And that I've been making a conscious effort to use less plastic bags and more reusable containers?

9. Take more pictures. Capture everyday moments. Record more video: This one is always, always a work in progress, with definite ebb and flow.  The last few days, I've been a rockstar, pulling out the camera and clicking away.  Gotta keep it up.

10.  Spend less. Save more: Working on this, definitely working on this.  It's pretty easy to spend less, because we don't have much to spend.  But on the flipside, it also makes it hard to save more.  Still, we are working on this.  Budgeting helps big time (thanks, Papa D!)

11.  Be more intentional: How to measure this?  That seems to continually be my question every month.  I am always looking for ways to more intentionally form friendships, show my husband love, use my time wisely, etc.

Part of me feels like I let my 11 in 2011 goals go to the backburner while we were in MN visiting family and friends.  There are some goals that I have hardly thought about - but that means that I am excited to get back to working on them.  I still think the goals I set for myself are applicable and what I want to be working on - it's not always easy, but that's what makes it worth it in the end!  Must keep moving forward...

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