
Our Week. In Photos.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We have been having a blast this week. We've been home from the hospital for 5 days now and have been hanging out - enjoying having Maxwell here, having a blast getting to know little Ezzy (my "mama" name for him), and adjusting to being a family of 4!

Ezzy, coming home from the hospital. He looked so little in his carseat!

My husband, enjoying his coffee (that man drinks 85 pots a day, I tell you...) and doing fish things - taking full advantage of his time off!

L with her crazy after-nap hair. It cracked us up. She's been doing pretty well with Ezzy. Our biggest struggle has been at night - we all share a room at the moment (this will be changing in the next month when we move - EEEEEEK!!!!) - and she gets quite jealous that we get up for Ezzy crying, but not for her. It's gotten much better, so hopefully we're on the upward!

My husband!!! It is SO unbelievably amazingly fantastic having him here these few weeks. I feel so very blessed and am trying to soak in every single minute I have with him - I know it will FLY by - oh R&R, you are a tease!

Our little man.

Sometimes Ezzy gets this little angry expression on his face - he furrows his little blonde brow - it makes me laugh!

Spending some time on his play mat, taking in some bright colors and lovely music - and tummy time!

Daddy and his son. My men. This makes my heart way happy :)

L gets super spoiled by her daddy. This morning Max decided to have nutella on his bagel - and shared some with L - she thought that sugary treat was super special at 0830 in the morning!!! If you look close, you can see lots of her teeth too!

It was really nice out today, so we had some playtime outside. Ezzy and I.

Max and L.

Ezzy, taking a snooze while I baked some monster cookies. What a sweetheart!

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  1. Love these! Especially the photos of Max and L outside and Max and Ezzy sleeping. Embrace those precious moments. :)

  2. You all look so happy. I LOVE the picture of little Max and his daddy sleeping. That needs to be blown up and framed!

  3. You all look SO HAPPY! :) Glad everything is fabulous!

  4. He is so handsome! It is so amazing that Max is there with you and I can't imagine how happy and proud you both are!

  5. Your little Ezzy is so precious! What a little blessing for you and your beautiful family. I am so happy for you!



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